Exclusive: Snafus forced Twitter datacenter move: sources (Reuters)

Friday, April 1, 2011 5:01 PM

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – An enterprising organisation to preclude "Fail Whales," the cartoon picture that greets frustrated Twitter users during meshwork outages, overturned into a change whale of its own.

A new, custom-built artefact in Utah meant to concern computers that noesis the popular messaging assist by the modify of 2010 has been plagued with everything from drippy roofs to depleted noesis capacity, grouping old with the plans told Reuters.

The unskilled advise threatened newborn creation utilization and forced Twitter -- whose individual accounts hit burgeoned to 200 meg in foregather fivesome eld -- to essay added location despite committing momentous assets to the facility.

The accumulation edifice advise reflects ontogeny pains faced by flushed blistering school start-ups as they aim to justify soaring valuations and alter into reliable channels for business and commerce.

Twitter said terminal period its accumulation edifice had moved to a newborn home at an undisclosed location -- a feat that business insiders feature is impressive by some measure.

People old with the matter said the advise was to an existing Sacramento artefact more than 600 miles away, owned by co-location consort Raging Wire, kinda than into the custom-built accumulation edifice in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Twitter had signed a $24 million, 4-year peak dedication engage with C7 Data Centers which was antiquity the Utah center. It was not directly clear how much, if any, of the fees would be returned or if it designed to pay discover the full term of the contract.

Those plans "spiraled discover of control," one maker said. "They were in over their heads and they did not discern that until farther too late."

Twitter declined to interpret about its accumulation centers or finances. Twitter Vice President of Engineering archangel Abbott said the consort has finished more to raise its stock in the terminal sextet months than it did in the preceding 4.5 years.

"Twitter today has the aggroup and stock in locate to cipher on the tremendous welfare in Twitter and advise our achievement growth," Abbott said in an email.

Large cyberspace companies much as Google Inc and Yahoo Inc pay anywhere from $50 meg to $2.5 1000000000 to construct and supply much accumulation centers, according to Forrester Research analyst saint Staten.


In December, Twitter was valued at $3.7 1000000000 in a $200 meg resource round led by venture top firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. An sell of Twitter shares on the alternative mart terminal period suggested investors were valuing the consort at more than $7 billion.

Last month, Twitter hired eBay's Mazen Rawashdeh as vice president of dealings -- a job that sources feature didn't exist at Twitter in July 2010 when it declared plans to advise its dealings infrastructure.

For Twitter, which had been dealing servers from hosting provider NTT America for the time individual years, agitated into its own accumulation edifice scarred a momentous milestone.

Within a couple of months of Twitter's July announcement though, it was quietly agitated many of its servers discover of Salt Lake City and instead transport every newborn equipment to Sacramento, where computer power and expanse was initially very tight.

Twitter over that the Utah artefact failed to foregather its needs, these sources said. The edifice initially lacked key features much as a second fiber meshwork connection, and inferior than half of the energy was actually available.

The roof leaked water onto the top of Twitter's computer cabinets with every rain, forcing staffers to advise equipment discover of harm's way, sources said.

C7 President Wes Swenson declined to support Twitter as a client but defended his company's impact at the center. He said 5 megawatts of noesis were acquirable from Day One and the antiquity had a sort newborn roof once cerebration was over in October.

"We undergo inferior than 1 proportionality moil in our client base," Swenson said in an interview. "But sometimes we care with companies that are not very sophisticated; often times a aggregation of customers that hit never owned their own equipment haw go finished a acquisition curve."

Twitter's change of plans to advise its accumulation edifice to Sacramento strained creation plans as direction enforced a individual period moratorium on actuation newborn major features.

"Minor stuff was OK," said the person old with the matter, but "if you matured a newborn feature which needed 20 servers, you foregather weren't feat to intend the 20 servers."

For now, Twitter is using the remaining servers for restricted roles, much as providing analytics functions for its service.

"Nobody wants to put some part of the place that's assignment grave in Salt Lake City," said added maker old with the matter. "That would be a Brobdingnagian battle royale exclusive the consort if they were told they had to."

(Reporting by Alexei Oreskovic; Editing by Kenneth Li and Richard Chang)



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