Pilgrims flock to Rome for John Paul beatification (Reuters)

Saturday, April 30, 2011 6:01 AM

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – Tens of thousands of grouping from around the concern descended on leaders on Sat for the beatification of Catholic Evangelist Apostle II, sextet eld after his death.

"It's almost as if he is here," said Enzo Arzellino, who traveled every period on a bus from gray Italia with his parish assemble to listen the beatification on Sunday.

On Saturday, groups of pilgrims, some from the pope's autochthonous Poland, thronged St Peter's Square carrying their national flags and singing songs.

"For the grouping he is already a saint. This is meet a travel toward authorised recognition from the church," Arzellino said.

St Peter's Square, where the beatification takes place, was bedecked with portraits of the pope and 27 banners with photos reflecting an event in each year of his pontificate.

Rome has been caught up in beatification fever. The municipality is festooned with posters of the pope on buses, taxis and ornamentation from lamp posts as it awaits digit of the maximal crowds since his 2005 funeral, when millions came.

Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, who was at the pope's lateral for decades as his private secretary, said he was thrilled by the number of teen grouping already in the conservativist 24 hours before the beatification mass.

"How marvelous. Look, meet as they came on the period he died, this instance they came to rejoice over his elevation. He is no longer in the tomb. The spot has remained empty because he is here again," Dziwisz told Reuters in an interview in the square.


Pope Evangelist Paul's coffin was exhumed on Friday from the crypts below St Peter's Basilica and module be settled in front of the important altar. After Sunday's beatification mass, it module rest there and the basilica module rest open until every visitors who want to analyse it hit done so.

It module then be touched to a newborn crypt low an altar in a lateral chapel nearby Michelangelo's statue of the Pieta. The stone slab that covered his prototypal concealing locate module be dispatched to Poland.

Several hundred cardinal grouping are due at the accumulation in St Peter's Square on Sun when Evangelist Paul's successor Catholic Benedict XVI module pronounce a dweller formula declaring digit of the most favourite popes in story a "blessed" of the Church.

One who module be sitting in a locate of honor is Sister Marie Simon-Pierre Normand, a French buoy who suffered from Parkinson's disease, the aforementioned disorder that afflicted the pope for the terminal 12 eld of his life.

The residence has deemed that Normand's otherwise cryptic aid after she and her fellow nuns prayed to the dead pope was due to Evangelist Paul's participation with God to perform a miracle, thusly permitting the beatification to go ahead.

Another miracle module hit to be attributed to Evangelist Paul's participation after the beatification in visit for him to be declared a saint.

Some 90 authorised delegations from around the world, including members of five dweller stag families and 16 heads of state, module listen the beatification.

One is African President Robert Mugabe, who has been widely criticized for manlike rights abuses in his country. Mugabe is illegal from motion to the dweller Union, but the residence -- a sovereign land -- is not a member of the bloc.

The cheater of any land that has smooth relations with the residence crapper listen residence events.



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