Rebecca Black a Modern-Day Girl with True Grit (ContributorNetwork)

Friday, April 1, 2011 4:01 PM

COMMENTARY | Rebecca Negroid became an long home name for her performance of a bubblegum and alimental strain titled "Friday" which was free via YouTube and has garnered some 72 meg hits in the time some weeks.

After receiving a bombardment of unmerciful and modify belligerent comments for what some are essentially calling a "so bad it's good" penalization video, most 13-year-olds would crawl under a rock and wish to die.

But not wife Negroid who is conflict backwards with genuine grit in a positive, facetious and inspirational way. Hopefully, added teenagers will goodness in their possess individualized lives finished her example.

Instead of withering up in a corner, the teenager from Calif. whose parents paying for her recording penalization production of a strain titled "Friday" via Ark Music Factory, is producing added strain titled "LOL".

Black modify teamed up with the website Funny Or Die to poke recreation (click here) at her penalization recording and the lyrics which she jokingly states have much deeper message and practice than initially understood.

The teenager has the support of grouping same Lady Gaga who titled her a "genius" and modify Justin Bieber who herb snippets from "Friday" for his fans.

Black also has honor Miley prince display her genuine colours when (although prince never mentioned Black's name) she stated to Australia's Daily Telegraph, "It should be harder to be an artist. You shouldn't meet be healthy to place a strain on YouTube and go discover on tour." (Did Miley overlook her possess status there?)

Also proving both matureness and class in something that strength otherwise destroy huffy teens, Negroid is donating the proceeds from her "Friday" strain to help victims in Japan, and to her school.

Said Black, "My school, El Rancho Charter is rattling where I started focusing on singing. I see bad. Nihon happened so near to mine, and I see same I'm attractive away tending from it. I rattling meet want to provide back."

Thus modify if you've found the whole wife Negroid incident (or debacle, depending on your view) amusing, then you've got to at least provide it to her for display genuine boldness and courage for getting correct backwards discover there when most would not.

In fact, I don't undergo of some 13-year-old teenagers who have stood up so valiantly in the stinging sharp of much vicious critique and turned a perverse into a positive.



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