Amazon failure takes down sites across Internet (AP)

Thursday, April 21, 2011 2:01 PM

NEW YORK – Scores of websites and cyberspace services like Foursquare and Reddit crashed or had restricted availability weekday because of problems at a accumulation center separate by

The problems revealed distributed certainty on Amazon Web Services, which rents out computers and accumulation hardware on a self-service foundation over the Internet.

AWS is generally thoughtful reliable because it uses vast numbers of computers, spread out in different accumulation centers, making Thursday's unfortunate unusual.

Amazon said the pain started primeval in the morning at a accumulation center in Northern Virginia, but provide no details.

The problems were current weekday afternoon.

Foursquare, which lets people verify others where they are with the support of radiotelephone GPS chips, was ease experiencing theoretical issues.

HootSuite, which provides a "dashboard" for ethnic media like Twitter feeds, was down completely, as was questions-and-answers place Quora.

Reddit, a "social news" place owned by Conde Nast Digital, was in "emergency read-only mode." Inc. is the directive provider of this type of "utility" computing, where customers clear exclusive for the computing noesis and hardware they need. Anyone with a assign bill crapper begin using it. Competitors allow Rackspace Hosting Inc. and Microsoft Corp.'s Azure platform.

Seattle's Amazon has bounteous plans for its Web Services. CEO Jeff Bezos said terminal assemblage that it could eventually be as super as Amazon's retail business.



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