Twitter makes new nest in San Francisco (AFP)

Friday, April 22, 2011 3:01 PM

SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) – Twitter on Friday said it has inked a deal to advise into a new nest in a chronically downtrodden conception of downtown San Francisco that local officials are eager to rehabilitate.

"Happy to feature that Twitter is staying in San Francisco," spokesman Ali Rowghani said in a communication fired soured at the popular microblogging service.

"We've signed a engage to advise our HQ to the Central Market area."

San Francisco leaders fresh authorised a country set fortuity aimed at keeping Twitter in the city and encouraging the startup, and added profession firms, to sit in a country of downtown that has daylong resisted scheme revitalization.

Companies in what are referred to locally as the Mid Market Street and Tenderloin areas will not have to pay some country taxes on new hires for the prototypal six years.

Twitter is undergoing a field ontogeny spurt, with new hires reaching on commission weekly.

Twitter had talked of moving to added Federal California city with no country tax, but promised it would resolve into a vacant Market Street antiquity if the measure was approved.



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