Best Free Graphical User Interfaces For R

Saturday, April 30, 2011 10:01 PM

R is an unstoppered maker planning module and code surround for statistical computing and graphics. It consists of a module together with a run-time surround with a debugger, graphics, admittance to grouping functions, and scripting.

The R module is extremely popular for nonindustrial statistical software, and is also frequently utilised as an psychotherapy tool amongst accumulation miners. R is an feat of the S planning language, matured by discoverer Laboratories, adding lexical scoping semantics. R offers a panoramic difference of statistical and illustration techniques including time program analysis, linear and nonlinear modelling, Hellenic statistical tests, classification, clustering, and more).

r, graphics interface, individual interface, free, opensource

Combined with a large assemblage of intermediate tools for accumulation analysis, beatific accumulation direction and storage, generalized matrix computing toolbox, R offers a logical and substantially matured grouping which is highly extensible.

RStudio RStudio is an integrated utilization surround (IDE) for R. RStudio combines an illogical individual programme with coercive coding tools to hold you get the most discover of R. It includes a console, syntax-highlighting application that supports direct cipher execution, as substantially as tools for plotting, history, and workspace management. r, graphics interface, individual interface, free, opensource Features include:

  • Customizable workbench with every of the tools required to work with R in digit place (console, source, plots, workspace, help, history, etc)
  • Syntax lightness application with cipher completion
  • Execute cipher direct from the maker application (line, selection, or file)
  • Full hold for authoring Sweave and TeX documents
  • Searchable history
  • Retrieve preceding commands
  • Keyboard shortcuts Easy artefact of new packages
  • Runs on every major platforms and crapper also be run as a server, enabling multiple users to admittance the RStudio IDE using a web browser
  • Integrated hold functionality

Rattler, graphics interface, individual interface, free, opensource Rattle (the R Analytic Tool To Learn Easily) provides a Gnome based unstoppered maker programme to R functionality for star arrangement tasks and accumulation mining. It is also acquirable as a product within Information Builders’ business intelligence flat known as RStat.

The intend is to wage a simple and illogical programme that allows a individual to quickly alluviation accumulation from a CSV file (or via ODBC), transform and explore the data, build and appraise models, and export models as PMML (predictive sculpture markup language) or as scores. Features :

  • Extensive assemblage of R packages
  • More than a illustration individual programme to R
  • File Inputs: CSV, TXT, Excel, ARFF, ODBC, R Dataset, RData File, Library Packages Datasets, Corpus, and Scripts.
  • Statistics: Min, Max, Quartiles, Mean, St Dev, Missing, Medium, Sum, Variance, Skewness, Kurtosis, energy square.
  • Statistical tests: Correlation, Wilcoxon-Smirnov, Wilcoxon Rank Sum, T-Test, F-Test, and Wilcoxon Signed Rank.
  • Clustering: KMeans, Clara, Hierarchical, and BiCluster.
  • Modeling: Decision Trees, Random Forests, enzyme Boost, Support Vector Machine, Logistic Regression, and Neural Net.
  • Evaluation: Confusion Matrix, Risk Charts, Cost Curve, Hand, Lift, ROC, Precision, Sensitivity.
  • Charts: Box Plot, Histogram, Correlations, Dendrograms, Cumulative, Principle Components, Benford, Bar Plot, Dot Pot,and Mosaic.
  • Transformations: Rescale (Recenter, Scale 0-1, Median/MAD, Natural Log, and Matrix) – Impute ( Zero/Missing, Mean, Medium, Mode & Constant), Recode (Binning, Kmeans, Equal Widths, Indicator, Join Categories) – Cleanup (Delete Ignored, Delete Selected, Delete Missing, Delete Obs with Missing)


r, graphics interface, individual interface, free, opensource

Red-R is an unstoppered maker seeable planning programme for R designed to bring the noesis of the R statistical surround to a broader audience. Features :

  • Highly pliant framework
  • Harnesses the noesis of Qt graphics to create mutual visualizations
  • Allows accumulation interaction not possible within the R framework
  • Table accumulation viewing
  • Create coercive mutual graphics
  • Logging system
  • Unicode support

RKWard RKWard aims to become an cushy to use, transparent frontend to R, a coercive grouping for statistical computation and graphics. This code tries to combine the noesis of the R-language with the ease of ingest of advertizement statistical packages. r, graphics interface, individual interface, free, opensource Features :

  • Transparent programme to the inexplicit R-language
  • Strives to separate noesis and organisation to a broad degree
  • Relies on a language, that is not only rattling powerful, but also extensible, and for which dozens of extensions already exist
  • Console with syntax highlighting
  • Script editors
  • Workspace analyse which allows users to example and manipulate every objects in the R workspace
  • Built-in application for data.frames
  • Analysis: including:
    • Correlation
    • Crosstabs
    • Descriptive Statistics
    • Item Response Theory
    • Means
    • Miscellaneous tests
    • Moments
    • Outlier Tests
    • Regression
    • Time Series
    • Variance / Scale
    • Wilicoxon Tests
  • Plots:
    • Barplot
    • Box Plot
    • Density Plot
    • Dotchart
    • ECDF Plot
    • Generic Plot
    • Histogram
    • Pareto Chart
    • Piechart
    • Scatterplot
    • Scatterplot Matrix
    • Stem-and-Leaf Plot
    • Stripchart
    • Item Response Theory
  • Distributions:
    • Distribution Analysis: Anderson-Darling Normality Test, Cramer-von Mises Normality Test, Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) Normality Test, Pearson chi-square Normality Test, Shapiro-Francia Normality Test, Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test, Jarque-Bera Normality Test

R Commander R commander is liberated statistical software. R commander was matured as an cushy to ingest illustration individual programme (GUI) for R (freeware statistical planning language).

The R-Commander programme consists of a pane containing several menus, buttons, and aggregation fields. In addition, the Commander pane contains script and output book windows. The R-Commander menus are easily configurable through a book file or, preferably, through plug-in packages. r, graphics interface, individual interface, free, opensource Features :

  • Statistics:
    • Contingency tables
    • Means
    • Proportions
    • Variances
    • Nonparametric tests
    • Dimensional analysis
    • Fit models
  • Graphs:
    • Histogram
    • Stem-and-leaf display
    • Boxplot
    • Quantile-comparison plot
    • Scatterplot
    • Scatterplot matric
    • Line graph
    • XY conditioning plot
    • Plot of means
    • Strip chart
    • Bar graph
    • Pie chart
    • 3D graph
  • Models:
    • Confidence intervals
    • Akaike Information Criterion
    • theorem Information Criterion
    • Stepwise model selection
    • Subset model selection
    • Hypothesis test
    • Numerical diagnostics
    • Graphs
    • Distributions:
    • Continuous
    • Discrete
    • Translations
r, graphics interface, individual interface, free, opensource Share Tweet


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