Tweeters react to Romney’s rollout (Daily Caller)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011 12:01 AM

BREAKING NEWS: Mitt Romney has announced that he’s is streaming for chair setting up a exploratory committee in consideration of a possible, possible, separate for chair in 2012 on the Republican ticket.

No digit saw this reaching eliminate the whole internet, which is where Romney posted his recording announcing his aim to explore his prizewinning intentions. Perhaps it’s this junior-high attempt at sex that led the New York Times to tweet, jokingly, that “Mitt Romney Makes It Official, Quietly” (that was meant to be ironic, right?).

Regardless of the volume of Romney’s announcement, he’s today the ordinal major party candidate, after Pawlenty, to variety of throw his viral recording into the YouTube ring. After the programme broke, Twitter went nutso. According to the prizewinning figures acquirable to a mid-level journalist, there were, like, a gazillion tweets in the prototypal — let’s feature — 10 transactions of the announcement. Below are whatever of the best, worst, and most repeated zingers.

He’s not streaming for President, he’s streaming for the Tooth Fairy

Good question, Matt. Good because you’re definitely not the only mortal to attending that the “R” in Romney looks just same Aquafresh’s classic metropolis ice toiletries toothpaste. Observe:

Mother Jones’ pedagogue application king Corn tweets a “joke” of his own, saying, “Romney’s new logo would also impact substantially for GOProud.”

But the difficulty with that homophobic declaration is that no matter how you flip the “R” it doesn’t countenance anything same a “Pride” alarum waving in the breeze.

And according to @HuffPostHill,”Romney’s logo could also double for a rattling dull voyage line,” a comment so dull it belike should impact been cursive by digit of the hundreds of unpaid writers.

Hair of the vlog ——————————————————————->  |







Sure, it’s a cheap effort from the Florida Democratic Party Communications Director, but tons of people are convergent on those silver streaks of comic-book-perfection. @StevenKruiser — who calls himself a “Conservative comedian/writer” (that’s actually pretty hilarious) — gets plentitude of retweets with his sentiment that nearly everyone shares: he wants a fisticuffs to the last follicle:

Or maybe Romney’s streaming for President of the World

Romney appears to be angling for the American vote:

Or perhaps the changeable land stroke bloc  …

According to Google Translation, both these Tweets say, roughly, “Mitt Romney looks presidential.”

Random facts most Romney you’ll never forget

The National Review’s Jim Geraghty drops the prizewinning Romney insta-factoid. Be trusty to use it at the next party before that ass to your mitt sneaks it in first:

In another parts of the Twitterverse:

Salon’s Alex Pareene makes a gut-rubbed jape only mouth-breathing hipsters think is adroit (Spoiler Alert! — It’s a “Twin Peaks” reference).

Beltway Confidential, same whatever others, notes that the declaration comes on the 5th day of RomneyCare. Also, whatever no-name illustrator at whatever no-name business points discover that Romney’s “Believe in America” shibboleth was once something John Kerry was believed in as well.

@mbrownerhamlin reminds us that Romney better become discover with a damn-good sequal, and soon,  if he wants to vex the Jerry Bruckheimer-sized awesomeness of Pawlenty’s video.

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