Google's Page makes first changes to management (Reuters)

Friday, April 8, 2011 12:01 PM

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Google Inc (GOOG.O) CEO Larry Page, in his prototypal major organization since taking the reins as CEO, touched to streamline decision-making at the key social network, mobile, cyberspace code and Youtube product groups.

Social networking honcho Vic Gundotra, Android nous Andy Rubin, Chrome grownup evilness chair Sundar Pichai and Youtube nous honcho Salar Kamangar have been presented a candid news distinction to Page and greater autonomy, according to a maker familiar with the concern who addicted changes prototypal reported in The Los Angeles Times.

Also presented a candid distinction to Page -- who officially acknowledged his persona on weekday -- were see grownup evilness chair Alan Eustace and business honcho Susan Wojcicki, the maker said.

A Google spokesman addicted that there had been a direction organization at the company, but declined to provide details. The spokesman noted that it had been rattling country when the CEO change was announced in January that Page was hunting to streamline the artefact the consort is separate and to attain country lines of accountability.

Investors had predicted brave and aggressive moves by Page to whittle downbound flushed tape at Google, and a renewed pore on search, ambulatory and technological innovation, following a decennium under the activity of past CEO Eric Schmidt. But whatever feared Page, who cofounded Google patch a machine correct student at businessman in 1998, would miss the pivotal CEO's duty of managing the expectations of Wall Street.

The changes saucer to major areas of pore for the company, which dominates cyberspace see and business but is progressively expanding -- with mixed success -- into social networking and ambulatory software.

Google is the world's No. 1 see engine and generated roughly $29 billion in income in 2010. But the consort is facing crescendo rivalry from social networking site Facebook and iPhone-maker Apple Inc. (AAPL.O)

The direction changes at Google also become life after the feat of Senior Vice President of Product Management Jonathan Rosenberg, who according to the consort had witting to yield in the incoming assemblage or two regardless. Of the promoted executives, several had reported to Rosenberg.

Shares of Google were up 0.3 percent at $581.80 on Friday afternoon.

(Reporting by Alexei Oreskovic, editing by Gospels Lewis)



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