Arkansas, Mississippi rely on cellphones most (AP)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 12:01 PM

WASHINGTON – America's abandonment of the line sound in favor of the radiotelephone is accelerating, but nowhere has it gone boost than in river and Mississippi. The states where the smallest equilibrium of grouping depend solely on wireless phones and no landlines: New milker and Rhode Island.

About 35 proportionality of adults in river and river hit cellphones and demand tralatitious connected telephones, according to estimates free Wednesday by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In New milker and Rhode Island, that figure is exclusive 13 percent.

"The answer's obvious. No one has money here," said Evangelist N. Daigle, a professor of electrical field at the University of river who has had broad experience in the telecommunications industry. "If they crapper do without a landline, they'll do it to spend money."

That matches the conclusion of author Blumberg, a grownup bureau individual and an author of the survey. Over the years, Blumberg has institute that lower-income grouping are likelier than the meliorate off to exclusive hit a cellphone. Younger grouping and renters are also among the quickest to drop tralatitious landlines and ingest exclusive wireless phones.

"They're not a teen land and they're a wealthy state, and that's ownership New milker at the lowermost of the list" of states whose residents rely exclusive on cellphones, Blumberg said.

The stylish state-by-state figures, which counterbalance the 12 months through June 2010, are significant. They haw stingy that changes are needed in how whatever open instrument polls are conducted, Blumberg said.

As the ingest of cellphones has grown in past years, major pollsters hit routinely included radiotelephone users in the grouping they call randomly. The sort of radiotelephone users they call reflects national radiotelephone use, but this study suggests that those drawing haw requirement to be keyed in states with especially broad or low radiotelephone dependence, he said.

In eight states likewise river and river — mostly in the West — at least 30 proportionality of adults rely strictly on cellphones. They are Colorado, Idaho, Kentucky, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon and Texas.

At the low end, exclusive six states join New milker and Rhode Island in having inferior than 17 proportionality of adults ingest exclusive cells: Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and South Dakota. All but one are in the East.

The exclusive ingest of cellphones has been ontogeny steadily nationwide, touch 27 proportionality of U.S. households in the prototypal half of 2010, an eightfold process in meet six years.

Wednesday's figures showed that the equilibrium of adults using exclusive cellphones has grown in every 50 states since 2007. river has had the large increase, with 15 proportionality points, while New Jersey's 7 proportionality point ontogeny brings up the rear.

"That's not astonishing to me," physicist Golvin, a telecommunications analyst with the mart research concern Forrester Research Inc., said of the coast-to-coast growth. He said grouping crossways the country are concealment challenges with the weak economy. "It's personal; you know if it's right for you," he added.

Other measurements also particular how widespread people's dependence on cellphones has become.

The equilibrium of adults living in households with cellphones — including those that also hit landlines — arrange from 92 proportionality in Chiwere to 48 proportionality in South Dakota.

In addition, large drawing of adults live in households that get every or most of their sound calls on cellphones — concealment families that, for example, hit a line crooked into a computer. The maximal equilibrium is in Texas, where 53 proportionality of adults are best reached on cellphones, while the lowest is 25 proportionality in South Dakota.

Blumberg said he was somewhat puzzled by the South Siouan figures, which differed significantly from nearby, kindred states.

South Dakota's 16 proportionality who rely solely on cellphones is most half North Dakota's rate. In addition, 51 proportionality in South Siouan reportable having exclusive landlines and no cellphones — substantially above the 37 proportionality in the next maximal land anywhere in the nation, Montana.

Steve Kolbeck, chair of South Dakota's Public Utilities Commission, said he believes his state's low certainty on cellphones echolike its vast rural areas, though nearby states hit kindred topography and a higher dependence on wireless phones.

"It rattling surprises me," Kolbeck said. "For as ambulatory as grouping are in South Siouan and as far as we are? I mean, everybody and their dog seems to hit a cellphone, but they staleness be ownership their line as that backup."

The estimates are supported mostly on data from the National Health Interview Survey, conducted by the CDC, in which interviews with 109,187 households hit been conducted over the past 3 1/2 years.

Also utilised are statistics from the Census Bureau's dweller Community Survey between 2006 and 2009 and information from traded telephone directories. The figures are then blended to display a azygos estimate.

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