Facebook valued at $65 billion in new investment (Reuters)

Thursday, March 3, 2011 2:01 PM

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Investment firm General ocean is investing in Facebook, valuing the directive ethnic meshwork at $65 billion, representing a 30 proportionality increase from its terminal big assets in January, according to a inform on CNBC.

General ocean is purchasing a country of roughly 2.5 meg Facebook shares from past Facebook employees, giving the firm a 0.1 proportionality wager in the company, CNBC said.

The deal, which has not winking and requires support from Facebook, would provide General ocean a 0.1 proportionality wager in Facebook, according to the report.

General ocean declined to interpret on the reports. Facebook did not immediately convey requests for comment.

In January, Facebook said it had raised $1.5 1000000000 from investors including nihilist Sachs and Digital Sky Technologies, as well as through a private substance to overseas investors conducted by nihilist Sachs, at a valuation of roughly $50 billion.

Facebook is the world's No.1 cyberspace ethnic meshwork with more than 500 meg users.

(Reporting by Alexei Oreskovic; Editing by physiologist Orr)



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