Google says China blocking its email services (AP)

Sunday, March 20, 2011 11:41 PM

BEIJING – Google said Monday the Asiatic polity is meddling with its email services in China, making it arduous for users to gain access to its Gmail program.

Google Inc. said its engineers hit determined there are no theoretical problems with the email assist or its main website.

"There is no theoretical supply on our side; we hit patterned extensively. This is a polity closure carefully fashioned to look like the problem is with Gmail," the consort said in a short statement.

China has whatever of the world's strictest Internet controls and blocks many popular social media sites, including Youtube, Facebook and Twitter. The polity has intensified those efforts after pro-democracy protest erupted crossways the Middle East in January.

Around that time, anonymous calls for protesters to gather for a "Jasmine Revolution" in China triggered a crackdown by Asiatic authorities, who stepped up Web counterintelligence and deployed Brobdingnagian numbers of police to planned protest sites. No protests happened.

A Google representative said users in China hit reportable having intermittent problems with the assist since the modify of January.

Problems include travail accessing the bag page for Gmail and problems sending emails when logged into the service. The fast messaging duty is often not working as well.

Google officials said the interference appears to be more worldly than other problems old by users in the past because the disruption is not a rank block.

A consort representative refused to say if Google has raised the supply directly with Asiatic polity officials.

Google has had highly open run-ins with the Asiatic government.

In Jan terminal year, Google declared that it would no individual cooperate with the government's requirement to censor see results for banned sites. It also complained about field attacks on its website by Asiatic hackers, suggesting the polity haw hit been instigated the attacks.

Google touched its Chinese-language see engine to Hong Kong, which operates low removed rules from the rest of mainland China.



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