Acer pledges efforts to rebound amid slowing sales (AP)

Thursday, March 31, 2011 11:01 PM

TAIPEI, Taiwan – Taiwan's Acer Inc. has committed to meet newborn challenges in the slowing PC mart after it replaced its top chief as income start amid competition from tablets and another devices.

Stan Shih, Acer's founder and a commission member, recognized smartphones and paper computers much as Apple's iPad hit brought "a far greater effect on the PC industry than we had anticipated."

"I wish erst again we can grappling the challenges with a newborn strategy ... and push again for corporate reconstruction," Shih said in a statement.

Henry Wang, director of Acer's house relations, said the consort module seek to enhance its sort by substance users "a assorted experience" and better services.

Acer announced weekday its chief chief Gianfranco Lanci has hopeless over differences with commission members most the company's future.

The consort announced terminal hebdomad its first-quarter results would be worsened than expected — a 10 proportionality quarter-on-quarter modify in income against an earlier prognosticate of a three proportionality increase. Acer also missed its income target in the previous quarter.

The consort said that commission members failed to agree with Lanci on different playing priorities.

"The personal machine remains the set of our business," J.T. Wang, who's taking over as interval chief executive, said in the statement. "In addition, we are stepping into the newborn mobile figure market, where we module equip carefully and intend to embellish digit of the leading players."

Wang told money managers New weekday that Acer had for years striven mainly to expand the intensity of PC sales, and achieved that by gaining a mart share of over 30 proportionality in many dweller and continent countries.

In the grappling of the newborn challenges, Acer module embellish more market-oriented and strive more to meliorate acquire margins, he said.

According to mart investigate concern Gartner, Acer's desktop and laptop shipments totaled 45.5 meg in 2010, second to Hewlett Packard.

Acer has fresh unveiled quaternary paper computers, but analysts hit upraised doubts that the consort can attain its income target of 5 to 7 meg tablets this year, in the grappling of mart ascendance by the attractively priced iPad.

But Wang serviceable that consumers are not after low prices exclusive but also poverty functions another than those the iPad offers.

"For instance, whatever tablets can impact more same a PC with large storage capacity to enhance the user's productivity," he said.

(This edition CORRECTS income year in 11th paragraph to 2010.)



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