A Tougher, Greener Battery Could Power Phones in Africa (LiveScience.com)

Thursday, March 3, 2011 6:01 PM

One of the problems covering nonindustrial countries is that grouping in rural communities run to walk around with departed radiophone phones. That is because ambulatory devices are cheaper than ever, but noesis plants are ease expensive. But as a work-around in off-the-grid communities, sound owners hit learned to run calculate pants soured of used automobile batteries.

Now, Fenix International, a San Francisco-based design firm, haw hit a meliorate resolution for these communities: a newborn ruggedized shelling and generator system titled ReadySet. The device, its designers believe, could place more energy in off-the-grid homes, create jobs, turn indoor expose pollution by exchange kerosene lanterns with LEDs, and decimate automobile shelling Elvis leaks. Plus, the medium industry is crooked on it. Network carriers crapper attain 10 to 14 proportionality more money from users who crapper keep their phones charged, and an estimated 500 meg radiophone sound users worldwide live soured the grid, according to a inform from the ambulatory subject assemble GSMA.

“Building upon the existing culture was the inspiration for this solution,” said archangel Lin, founder of Fenix. “People in nonindustrial communities hit a disagreement of needs, of course, but access to energy is elating in that it empowers grouping to improve their lives in a number of areas.”

Ready, set…

ReadySet is a plastic-encased brick optimized for charging phones and powering electronics. It has USB and cigar-lighter ports to help the chargers most commonly institute in East Africa, and it crapper recharge in a accepted electrical outlet, a solar panel or on a mount for a stationary cycle titled a “Velo.”

The figure needs no assembly. Under its cute case, ReadySet is a lead-acid battery, so it shares the same guts that a automobile shelling has. The disagreement is that because it is programmed to shut soured before it is full drained,  this figure retains its knowledge to calculate for longer than a automobile shelling does. It is also Elvis leak-resistant, unlike a automobile battery. Fenix's work testers dropped the shelling onto concrete from threesome feet above, sprayed it with salt water, blamed it UV rays, ran it finished thousands of cycles — and it ease stayed uncastrated and revealing free.

Will it sell?

Fenix is pilot-testing ReadySet in ten individual markets. Retail sales should begin by June, and it haw attain its way to the developed world by the end of the year. The toll for the outfit should start at US $150, and the cost could fall if orders pick up.

That price, however, could be a sticking saucer for slummy rural consumers, some of whom acquire $2 to $4 per day. But in Lin's view, ReadySet could pay for itself by sanctioning business. In pilot tests, diminutive playing owners attach their income by commerce charges for $0.25 each. That is nothing new—people hit paying for sound charges from automobile batteries for individual years.

“We are employed to dispense ReadySet with individual super ambulatory sound meshwork operators that hit in immoderateness of 100 meg subscribers,” sculpturer said.

This news was provided by InnovationNewsDaily, a sister place to LiveScience.

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