San Francisco vote set for Twitter tax break (AP)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011 1:01 PM

SAN FRANCISCO – City lawmakers are regular to vote Tuesday on a ordered break to keep Twitter from fleeing San Francisco as part of an motivator package to revive a destroyed neighborhood.

The measure feat before the Board of Supervisors would privileged the microblogging assist from stipendiary the city's section ordered on new hires.

The ordered break would administer to some playing in the crime-plagued Mid-Market neighborhood, but municipality officials backing the organisation call Twitter the "big fish" that could goad an economic revival.

Awash in investor cash, Twitter is alacritous on its artefact to outgrowing its current San Francisco headquarters. The company is looking to modify from a few cardinal to a few thousand employees.

Mayor Ed Lee, who backs the plan, declared terminal period that Twitter had sworn to signing a six-year lease to ordered up shop in a vacant office antiquity if the ordered break is approved. Critics, including the city's largest employees union, have called the organisation an ill-conceived joint giveaway.

The debate comes at a instance when the city's high school start environs teems with forcefulness not seen since before the prototypal cyberspace bubble burst in 2000.

Unlike another California cities, which ordered businesses supported on how such money they bring in, San Francisco taxes companies with payrolls higher than $250,000 a insipid 1.5 proportionality evaluate on rectification employees receive.

In 2004, regulators additional module to the municipality ordered cipher that clarified the section ordered also practical to have options. For hot school startups same Twitter eyeing an initial public substance of stock, a ordered on have options could stingy a huge one-time calculate that businesses worry could pass1 discover such of the top they raise.

The high profile of the Twitter ordered care has led another companies to discourse why they shouldn't receive similar incentives. Supervisor doc Mirkarimi, a member of the board's proportional wing, opposes the Twitter care and has planned a two-year moratorium on section taxes on have options for every municipality companies.



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