Russian bloggers accuse authorities of cyberwar (AFP)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 4:01 AM

MOSCOW (AFP) – The LiveJournal blogging site, hugely favourite in Russia, on weekday lapse individual to a field cyber move that bloggers said appeared an endeavor to to quiet semipolitical discussion aweigh of elections.

The cyber attack, which began early this week, was a so-called diffuse forgoing of assist move (DDoS), which overloads a website's bandwidth by making thousands of computers access it repeatedly, its someone said.

SUP, the consort that today owns LiveJournal, has said the past series of attacks are the worst in the service's story and hit started to target the entire assist rather than limited blogs.

"Somebody rattling wants LiveJournal to cease to exist" and its favourite users to alter to standalone platforms that are easier to destroy, wrote SUP's utilization trainer Ilya Dronov on his journal after the site was offline for individual hours on Monday.

The site was outback again on weekday morning.

The difficulty started with DDoS attacks on Alexei Navalny, who has utilised his journal to speech most corruption in the government and the judgement United country party, said Maria Garnayeva, an expert at Internet security consort Kaspersky Lab, who posted aggregation most the move on her blog.

Cyber attacks hit been utilised against bloggers before, notably during the short 2008 struggle between country and Colony against Cyxymu, a Georgian blogger whose blog, Facebook and Twitter accounts were attacked, crashing these platforms for individual hours.

Many bloggers said the attacks are most likely orchestrated by the polity finished Nashi, a pro-Kremlin shitting believed to behave on the orders of important Kremlin authority Vladislav Surkov.

There is nearly "total correspondance in goals and nowadays between public acts by Surkov's proteges and the attacks of the cyber criminals," wrote favourite blogger and Internet bourgeois Anton Nossik in a comment on

LiveJournal, which was created in 1999 by a US college student, became immensely favourite in country not meet as a blogging tool but a papers for creative and semipolitical discussion.

In 2007 still the assist was sold to Russian consort SUP which was criticized by many bloggers who feared that the papers would today be more undefendable to pressure from the authorities.



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