New Site Helps You Use Facebook for Your Job Search (U.S. News & World Report)

Friday, April 15, 2011 9:01 AM

Facebook haw be the most popular ethnic network, but it crapper also be the trickiest to investment for your employ search.

Until you add this to your toolbox: a newborn assist titled In The Door, which not only tells you where your Facebook friends impact and impact worked, but also shows employ openings at those companies. While other sites and applications intend to support employ seekers ingest their Facebook meshwork for professed gain, In The Door seems to impact hit a course spot, offering continuance in an easy-to-use format.

"We exhibit you the companies, at a glance, that are hiring in your network. No one added does that," says Liz Carlson, founder of In The Door. "[We] attain those opportunities relevant."

The place is particularly useful for the under-30 set, some of whom impact large networks on Facebook but demand the professed undergo to attain the most out of LinkedIn, a ethnic networking place aimed at professionals. But even occupation newbies undergo you're more likely to land a employ when you impact a referral. That's ground networking tends to be more effective than feeding employ boards or applying cold. When it comes downbound to it, a hiring trainer is more likely to give your resume and counterbalance letter a hornlike countenance if you become recommended.

[See The Most Effective Ways to Look for a Job.]

In The Door is not associated with Facebook; it entireness by accessing information from the ethnic networking place at the user's request. It then matches that information with jobs posted on, a job-listings aggregator. Companies crapper also register with In The Door to customize their jobs tender and place openings direct on the site, and Carlson says nearly 150 organizations impact finished that since the site's launch on Apr 5. For now, it's free to place employ openings, but charging companies for that assist is how Carlson and her aggroup wish to attain money in the future.

Early users of the agency say they're impressed. Dan Schawbel, a individualized branding and ethnic media specialist, says he likes the assist because it helps users "make sense" of their network. Although Facebook focuses on our individualized lives, In The Door shows us how those connections crapper be professional, too, he says.

That's what drew choreographer Griffiths, a 29-year-old subject professional, to the tool. Griffiths entireness in marketing for the river government's Mortgage and Housing Corporation, but he's hunting for a newborn function that module allow him to ingest more of his digital skills. (His politico knows he's job-hunting.) Since In The Door launched its beta place in mid-March, Griffiths has utilised it to countenance for opportunities at companies where his friends impact or impact worked.

"I crapper definitely see it getting on," says Griffiths, who lives in Toronto. "Something firm like In The Door haw be able to denture the gap between professed and personal."

But Griffiths believes In The Door's capableness haw also be its weakness. Many Facebook users poverty to keep their interactions on the place personal, he says, which could perceive a career-oriented agency in the long run.

[See When Your Dream Company's Hiring on Twitter.]

The place also allows users to search for jobs in their meshwork by city. If you're interested in a position, clicking on your friend's photo module bring up a Facebook message that asks for a congratulations and includes the link to the employ opening. And different some Facebook applications, In the Door does not communicate for that pesky permission to place to your wall. Unless you ingest the messaging feature, your friends won't undergo you're feeding jobs, which entireness in your favor if you're job-hunting on the sly.

Many of those who impact signed on so farther impact jobs, Carlson says, which shows that even engaged twenty-somethings haw be unstoppered to newborn opportunities.

A 2008 college graduate, Carlson worked as a management consultant until she was ordered soured in primeval 2010, a casualty of the recession. While hunting for a newborn job, she learned one of her friends landed a function at Google, in part because he knew someone who worked there. That prompted her to develop In The Door, and she abandoned her employ search to physique the product. Carlson borrowed money from her sisters to fund the project and today entireness with digit full-time developers.

"My procreation is every on Facebook," says Carlson, who lives in San Francisco. "This is finding a employ in your network, [with support from] the grouping who undergo you the best--your friends."



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