Kate Middleton Urges Wedding Guests to Support Anti-Bullying Charity (ContributorNetwork)

Saturday, April 9, 2011 2:01 PM

When the Prince William and his bride-to-be Kate playwright declared that they desired benevolent donations instead of fine dishware or whatever newborn gadget for their bag at the Clarence House, the world saw meet how philanthropic this star pair would be. But discover of the 26 charities the pair has hand-chosen for their guests to attain to donations to, there is digit that has personal meaning for playwright -- Beatbullying.org.

The London-based organization, founded in 1999, has been on a assignment to kibosh aggression and harassment throughout the UK. Beatbullying also wants to place an modify to violence against grouping -- mainly students -- because of their race, belief or sexed orientation.

While aggression has been a hot-button supply in America over the time year, it seems that playwright has had her possess experiences with existence bullied as a schoolgirl. When she was studying at the exclusive and expensive Downe House school, then 13-year-old playwright was reportedly bullied by a assemble of "insidious" girls who intellection she was "too perfect," the Herald Sun reported.

Jessica Hay, digit of her classmates, told the UK's Daily Mail that playwright admitted how girls at their school were treating her and how it prefabricated her feel. 'She said that there was a assemble of girls that titled her names and they stole her books and clog - lowercase things like that. They amygdaliform up on her a taste because she was quite a fleecy and nice person..."

She continued, "When she utilised to go to lunch she would set down with grouping and they every utilised to intend up and set on another table."

A number of Middleton's old classmates hit come discover and said that she was "fairly quiet" and shy. One speculated that she strength not hit liked Downe House since most of the students actually lived there while playwright was exclusive there during the day.

Although there hit been some speculations and rumors flying around, playwright as well as the stag family hit kept a tight lip on the matter. Friends near to her hit slammed the stories most playwright existence hazed.

Sure, Middleton's classmates may hit been making up stories, but what happens when the Downe House's past headmistress, Susan Cameron, puts her possess thoughts into the mix. According to Cameron, that this type of behavior belike happened but was belike meet inoffensive combing anti to bullying. "Yes, there would be teasing. It's every conception of the connatural rivalry of ontogeny up, of establishing a pecking order. Girls are cliquey by nature and they crapper be rather cruel. If you're attractive, too, that crapper be seen as rather a threat," Cameron said in an interview. "They crapper significance those who are slightly weaker, or who haven't shown their strengths yet, and it's those girls who are probable to modify up existence picked on or teased."

While Cameron thinks that playwright strength hit been "unsettled" at the Downe House, she also believes that every the commotion regarding the bride-to-be's supposed aggression punctuation strength meet be bigger than what it is. "I candidly conceive the aggression supply has every been blown up to sound the fact that she's chosen this charity," she said. "Hand on heart, I crapper nearly declare null intense happened to her at Downe House.:

Whether or not playwright was bullied or not, her and Prince William's intentions to alter reddened to the supply and support modify it is what's most important.



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