Huffington Post, AOL sued by bloggers (Reuters)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011 9:00 PM

NEW YORK (Hollywood Reporter) – The Huffington Post has been impact with a collection state causa by a assemble of bloggers who claim the massively popular site, fresh acquired by AOL, mistreats those who enrich it with content.

Noted worker journalist Jonathan Tasini is directive the proposed collection state filed weekday in New royalty federal court. The causa comes in the consequence of AOL's $315 meg acquisition of the place terminal month, which set off grumblings in the composition accord about whether whatever of that change should flow downbound as fair rectification to those who hit volunteered composition during the site's enormous growth period.

Amid talk of a doable strike, Tasini is today directive a assemble of man writers in a jural state that claims "mistreatment" by co-defendant and originator Arianna Huffington.

The jural foundation for the upset rests with allegations of deceptive playing practices.

Huffington has daylong serviceable that her bloggers acquire exposure through their relationship with the site, and hit teased them to verify their writings elsewhere if the composing isn't satisfactory.

However, in a upset filed Tuesday, the plaintiffs assert that HuffPo "jealously guards" the turn of tender views that a blogger same Tasini receives and the turn of revenue generated by blog posts. It's claimed the place has unjustly enriched itself by misleading its contributors.

"If it were not for the labor of Plaintiff and the thousands of complimentary Class members on and for ... (the site) would not hit been an captivating integration direct and would hit sold for at least $105 meg less than the integration toll of $315 million," says the complaint.

If Tasini's name sounds familiar, he was also the advance litigator in a landmark collection state causa against The New royalty Times and others involving freelancers' digital rights. The disagreement yet harm up at the U.S. Supreme Court, which handed downbound a selection more than decade years ago that expressed that publications staleness get impart written respond over digital rights from freelancers.

In Tuesday's collection action, Tasini claims to hit produced 216 pieces of content, whatever generating numerous comments and ethnic media exposure, but all without compensation.

The causa also attacks co-defendant AOL as sanctioning this mistreatment via its past acquisition. The plaintiffs note AOL's old playing help whereby producers are paying according to a post's popularity and the fact that AOL fresh terminated such paying noesis creators after buying HuffPo.

In a statement, The Huffington Post calls the collection state "completely baseless."



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