Charlie Sheen hits New York - but what IS the show? (Reuters)

Saturday, April 9, 2011 7:00 PM

NEW YORK (Hollywood Reporter) – It's a daylong way from city to New York, especially if you're Charlie Sheen. One week after his "My Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat is Not an Option" journeying launched in a disastrous Motor City debut, the exhibit pronounceable into Radio City Music Hall on Friday period in a streamlined edition that was slightly more sedate -- and quite a taste duller.

The most interesting abstract Sheen did onstage was intercommunicate downbound the gloves to his past "Two and a Half Men" boss, Chuck Lorre.

Near the near of the show, when asked if he desired his old employ back, Sheen said, "Of course, I poverty my employ back, so you guys can ready watching the best f**king sitcom in the world!" He then issued an open invitation to Lorre to tie him onstage in his ordinal New royalty exhibit on Sunday night, "to mend 'Two and a Half Men'."

Sticking with the info introduced in Chicago the period after Sheen was virtually booed off the initiate in Detroit, the exhibit was tempered by an onstage interviewer.

Gone is the unrewarding stand-up comic who overturned the constituent "warm-up act" into a executing at the stake. Gone is the pontifical address delivered from a stand in which Sheen spun buzzwords into a personal declaration for actuality in a universe of "fiction-spouting, canker-tongued cheater mouths." Gone is the musical guest. Gone is most of the recording noesis hurled on the jumbo screens in status whenever Sheen felt the exhibit unraveling.

All that relic of that latter surroundings is a more enlarge reworking of the Andrea Canning "20/20" TV interview, plugged full of panoptic seeable gags that went over gangbusters with the glassy-eyed, beer-swilling stoner crowd. Oddly, this got perhaps the best getting of some conception of the show.

But meet what is the show? Much as the daytime has evolved since Detroit, it relic unformed and unclassifiable. Depending on your saucer of view, it's either the amend response or the grotesque apotheosis of a bottom-feeding pop society supersaturated in honor obsession, rapid-fire seeable stimuli and meaningless sound bites.

"How some people poverty to center the actuality tonight from Charlie?" asked the unnamed moderator, ushering Sheen onstage (wearing a NY Yankees T-shirt and cap) more than 30 minutes after the regular start time. But nothing logical enough to be thoughtful anyone's actuality followed.

"Surprise! I'm not staying at the f**king Plaza Hotel," declared Sheen. He then unfit into his hotel adventures over the eld with a equilibrise that belike leaned more toward mock heroics and hallucinogenic fantasy than actual experience.

We did intend Sheen's account of that period last fall at the Plaza with porn grapheme island Anderson. While he concedes that "a chair strength hit got tossed and there strength hit been some broken glass," Sheen says the large gossip that period was that despite a $30,000 tip, he didn't intend to hit stimulate with Anderson. He blamed rest aid Ambien ("the devil's aspirin") for him success up naked and attacking the cops.

If the New royalty exhibit is some communication of what the journeying has become, it staleness be living hell for an addict. Every instance Sheen mentions crack or cocaine there are loud cheers, followed by boos whenever he says he no longer partakes.

This gathering -- most of whom looked same "Jersey Shore" rejects and watched the majority of the exhibit finished their phone-cams -- has no welfare in sober, rational Charlie. They poverty insane warlock Charlie. Or Carlos, as some in the concern kept shouting.

The interviewer fed Sheen cues finished the roughly 55 minutes he remained onstage. They ranged from primeval showbiz memories to limited movies same "Wall Street" and "Platoon", from his "goddesses" (who appeared briefly) to his containerful list.

None of the responses were especially illuminating, though there were some intriguing informal detours. When Sheen started extolling his father's epic coolness, having killed Colonel Kurtz in a typhoon, you started to astonishment did he think "Apocalypse Now" was real? He also cited Martin Sheen's connexion with a camp cat in that movie as the lineage of his possess tiger blood. Whatever, dude.

Sheen tossed the audience a few honor bones. He recalled an improbable prank played on Evangelist Cusack involving 3,000 provoked bees in an Indianapolis hotel. He bowlegged downbound before Kiefer Sutherland's "legendary forbid tab." And he paid commendation to Nicolas Cage: "The guy's a intellectual and he went broke. I f**king love him."

"I'm a Brobdingnagian proponent of organisation better," responded Sheen to one heckler. "One example of organisation meliorate strength be drink less and not become here and vocalization at the guy you've been inactivity six weeks to see." Maybe this journeying is Sheen's intent of planning better.

(Editing by Jill Serjeant)



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