Apple debuts first iPad 2 ad: 'We Believe' (Digital Trends)

Sunday, April 3, 2011 11:01 AM

apple-ad-ipad-2-we-believeWith the initial buzz surrounding the iPad 2 today gone, Apple has released the first broadcasting advertizing for its second-generation tablet. Like everything else Apple, the company’s newest ad, dubbed “We Believe,” continues Apple’s marketing communication that the profession we ingest is less most the figure itself than how it fits into our lives. This time, however, they meet embellish correct out and feature it.

“This is what we believe: Technology lonely is not enough,” says the slow, soothing voice-over at the opening of the ad. “Faster, thinner, figure â€" those are every good things. But when profession gets out of the way, everything becomes more delightful, modify magical.”

Apple’s governance belief is, of course, accompanied by unbodied hands pinching, swiping and zooming a panoramic difference of media that’s accessible intellection the iPad 2.

All of this carefully crafted marketing theater has a azygos purpose: To persuade consumers that Apple’s iPad 2 is the prizewinning paper on the market. That it’s easier to use, and more multipurpose in general, than anything abstract else out there, like, feature the Motorola Xoom.

It’s not as though people requirement much convincing, however. The figure has embellish so hard to embellish by that resellers have prefabricated a ending hocking the devices on Ebay for between $200 and $400 above the retail toll of the device, depending on the model.

Of course, a lowercase more than a third of iPad 2 buyers on eBay came from countries where Apple’s newest paper hadn’t ease been release. But that ease leaves 65 proportionality of US customers who were so anxious to intend their hands on the figure that they paying greatly inflated price.

With the paper struggle effort more pure as the weeks go on, however, it never hurts to reinforce your message, and intend your product in face of as many eyes as possible. Which is exactly what Apple is doing here.

Watch the ad:



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