What the iPad 2 Killer Will Look Like (ContributorNetwork)

Friday, March 4, 2011 9:01 AM

It's same clockwork. Apple releases a new product, and presently dozens of imitations are on the market, apiece digit called the "(Apple product) killer" by whatever media outlet.

This time, the imitators got a nous start. LG, HTC, HP and RIM every declared their iPad 2 copies weeks before the iPad 2 was announced, and sometimes months before the actualised products would be available. Motorola, meanwhile, actually free their Xoom paper before the iPad 2 was unveiled. I'm trusty they every hope theirs is the iPad 2 killer, but if history's whatever indication they don't hit such of a chance.

What would an actualised iPad 2 dolphin countenance like? As long as we're hunting to story for answers, let's consider the school consort that's done the most to "kill" another products: Apple itself.

Apple's fell history

After the first Macintosh came discover in 1984, companies from Atari to Microsoft started aping the "Mac's" point-and-click programme to ready from becoming irrelevant. Apple continues to set the accepted for the desktop machine interface, and it's exclusive lately that Microsoft -- and whatever Linux-based OSes same Ubuntu -- hit rattling started to go in their possess directions.

Likewise, penalization players were clunky and poorly-designed before the iPod ate most of the market. It's ease on top, and the exclusive thing coming near to ending the iPod is the iPhone ... or recent smartphones in general, which started with the iPhone.

The iPad itself is a "killer" product. Netbooks were the ontogeny facet of the PC market, until the iPad came along and ate their share. For whatever reason, grouping hunting for a small, takeout machine would kinda hit a deluxe-sized iPhone than a pint-sized and unwieldy laptop.

The lethal ordinary denominator

Gabrielle Blue of Inc. Magazine interviewed king Acker, a branding strategy expert, most what it is that makes destined brands dominate. "You crapper almost never change the combative genre by attractive in, 'My sort is meliorate than your brand,'" he said ... which is what companies same Motorola are disagreeable to do by making tablets that are 'like the iPad 2, but better.' Instead, what you requirement to do is "create something so innovative that it surpasses your competitors, thusly creating your possess category or subcategory."

Nintendo did that with the Wii a some years ago, revolutionizing the way that grouping endeavor video games with their motion-based curb system. The Wii was the must-have behave of the 2006 pass season, commerce discover nationwide. Only recently has Microsoft one-upped them with the Kinect, a full-body recreation undergo that's sold 8 million units in meet a some months.

If anything "kills" the iPad 2, it'll be same the Kinect ... it may modify be the Kinect. Something so revolutionary that it doesn't kill the iPad, so such as the requirement for one. Like the iPad itself is doing to netbooks.

Hope for Apple's competitors

Even if another companies can't create that, there are ease structure to meet germane without cloning the iPad 2. The Barnes and Noble nook Color is an Android paper that's existence marketed as an e-reader, and is superior for scheme browsing ... meliorate modify than the iPad, arguably. It's also comparatively cheap, and fashioned by a consort that, same Apple, has a ton of retail experience.

So maybe it's not necessary to kill the iPad 2. Maybe every that's necessary is to create something unequalled and delightful, and permit Apple's products die their uncolored deaths.

Jared Spurbeck is an open-source software enthusiast, who uses an Android phone and an Ubuntu laptop PC. He has been writing most technology and electronics since 2008.



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