The Real Reason Charlie Sheen Joined Twitter: Money (

Saturday, March 5, 2011 8:01 AM

Charlie Sheen's reputation is rising - his business reputation, that is.

Our friends at Entertainment Weekly reportable that Charlie Sheen has ordered the Guinness World Record for "Fastest Time to Reach 1 Million Followers." It only took him 25 hours and 17 transactions to reach the feat; meanwhile, NewsFeed is tardily crawling its artefact to 8,000. (Follow TIME NewsFeed!). He already held the achievement for "Highest Paid TV Actor Per Episode - Current." (Obviously, not any longer.) (See the 7 prizewinning Charlie Sheen memes.)

So, how exactly did Sheen get the @CharlieSheen statement and avow his statement in a matter of hours? Forbes reports it's every thanks to ad authority, a tone consort that focuses on celebrity Twitter endorsements. Sheen's friend reached discover to the consort and told them the person wanted to transmit direct with his fans. The consort ordered up the account, titled Sheen and explained the principle of Twitter to him. Sheen told TMZ the reason that he joined the social media place was to attain cash from endorsed tweets, and with celebrities same Kim Kardashian making a reportable $10,000 per posting, the fact that Sheen has so some mass makes him attractive to advertisers. Interestingly, did not calculate Sheen for setting up his statement - but we bet they're existence paid for helping him get sponsors.

The money-making noesis of Sheen's tweets is already apparent. Ray Broguiere, the someone of the consort of that makes the concentrate Sheen was retentive in his first TwitPic, told TMZ he's been overpowered with calls to his farm since the tweet. He didn't pay for the mention and says he is extremely grateful for the message - and has modify offered to provide Sheen liberated concentrate if he stops by the farm.

Maybe this was Sheen's organisation every along: invoke his life into a train wreck, get the full world to check and then gain money from advertisers who poverty to cash in on the attention. If that's so, he's outsmarted us. It staleness be something in the tiger's blood.

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