People turn ever more to web in times of crisis (AFP)

Saturday, March 12, 2011 9:01 PM

HONG KONG (AFP) – The seism soured the coast of Nihon and the resulting gesture has proven, still again, how the cyberspace offers an aggregation link to the concern in a time of crisis.

The cyberspace was designed so that US military communications could resist a thermonuclear war, but is proving equally resilient in the face of uncolored disasters and modify unstable shifts in global politics.

As the waves smashed into the Asian coastline mass the 8.9-magnitude seism 130 kilometres (80 miles) east in the Pacific ocean on Friday, a gesture of images was also soon touch the web.

In scenes worthy of some tone disaster movie, a massive gesture was shown actuation in from the sea, and digit of the most watched and mutual videos was of liquid tardily engulfing the municipality of Sendai's airport.

Small aircraft, cars and trucks were shown sporadic amongst the broken detritus of buildings same an insubordinate child's behave box.

And what looked same prefabricated factory units were shown floating under a bridge as drivers spun their cars and trucks around to try to outrun the waves.

Nearly fivesome meg grouping adjusted in to video sharing place YouTube on Sat to watch digit raw, unedited video of the gesture manduction away at Japan's coastline. Several another videos had notched up between three and quaternary meg hits.

Hundreds of grouping commented on the videos across the scheme and mutual information, from ethnic network colossus Facebook to micro-blogging place Twitter -- as substantially as local, Asian module websites.

And the cyberspace also functioned as a realistic crisis edifice as sites much as Google's grouping observer assist helped locate loved ones and offered help and hold to survivors.

As the floodwaters subsided, worried friends and relatives leapt onto their computers to encounter aggregation about grouping who had not been heard from since the powerful gesture crashed ashore.

Google's person observer assist had notched up more than 81,000 records of grouping leaving messages hunt aggregation on friends and kinsfolk by 0300 time Sunday.

The place was updating, in English and Japanese, by the hundreds every some minutes.

A haphazard see of the common Asian name "Sato" brought up hundreds of results, some of them for grouping experience in Sendai -- the municipality that visaged the brunt of the thunderous body of actuation water.

Gunduzhan posted a communication hunt Aki Sato, a dentist from Sendai who unnatural at Ohu University in Koriyama. A picture of the pretty young woman was also posted on the site.

"Looking for Aki Sato," the place read. "Last heard from after seism but before tsunami."

Another place hunt Fatima Sato had some beatific programme -- "Mom is ok. She is on her way home."

The planetary and Asian Red Cross also set up a similar site.

And micro-blogging place Twitter was updating every ordinal with messages of beatific will, of condolences and substance aid.

A assist was existence mutual on Twitter allowing grouping the quantity to donate to the Red Cross via book message, the donation existence additional to sound bills.

Some tweets were posted by planetary celebrities much as the dweller singer Lady Gaga, who launched a bracelet to hold the comfort effort.

She asked her army of fans -- whom she calls "Little Monsters" -- to buy a bracelet on her website saying, "We Pray for Japan," for donations of $5 or more. All proceeds module go to comfort efforts, she said.

Useful links:

The English edition of the Red Cross website was existence set up at

The English edition of the Google someone observer assist crapper be institute here:

Facebook's Nihon gesture tender crapper be institute here:!/japan.tsunami.2011

YouTube videos:

  • Red Cross Family Links
  • Google Friend Finder
  • Facebook Nihon Tsunami

  • Source


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