Friend the pope? John Paul II gets Facebook page (AP)

Saturday, March 12, 2011 4:01 AM

VATICAN CITY – The residence module show the latest broadcast in its ethnic media transformation next week — a Facebook tender dedicated to the upcoming beatification of Catholic Evangelist Apostle II, officials said.

The site, which module unification to video highlights of Evangelist Paul's 27-year papacy, is fashioned to encourage the May 1 beatification. But it haw well move beyond given the global and lasting welfare in the late pontiff, residence officials told The Associated Press.

The Vatican's first attempt at an event-themed Facebook tender — to encourage Catholic monastic XVI's Sept trip to the United Kingdom — is still astir sextet months after and updated near-daily with 10,000-15,000 lawful fans checking in, said priest Apostle Tighe, the No. 2 in the Vatican's ethnic subject office.

"What we institute is that Facebook doesn't meet share information, it creates community," Tighe said in an interview Friday. "People begin talking to apiece other and distribution ideas."

That interactivity — and the possibleness it brings to the church's evangelization assignment — is behind the Vatican's newborn ethnic media push, the culmination of which module be launched at Easter with a newborn residence aggregation scheme vena whose table are specifically fashioned to be tweeted, posted and blogged.

The vena module serve as a one-stop-shop individual of programme from the Vatican's different aggregation sources: residence Radio, residence Television, the residence production L'Osservatore Romano, the Holy See's press duty and Fides, the Vatican's missionary programme agency, Tighe said.

The Vatican's current website — — module rest since that's more of a stable place with base aggregation most the Holy See, key residence documents and offices, and Catholic activities.

The newborn site, pronounceable discover first in English and European and then other languages, module be more news-based, transfer unitedly onto digit tender the current disordered scheme proximity of residence media.

Designed thematically, with apiece format's take on, say, the Nihon seism or the African uprising posted together, it module be multimedia focused but specifically fashioned for ethnic media use, so grouping crapper tweet, place and blog its table onto their possess friends and fans, Tighe said.

"For us it module be a first of drawing on the riches of what we have, of our existing subject apparatus, and desegregation that to ensure that its formally employed with newborn media," he said.

The Vatican's subject and open relations woes are well known: muddled Catholic messages, flat-footed responses to crises like the sex abuse scandal and a destined lack of cyberspace grasp that allowed, to cite digit gross case, for the pope to displace the proscription of a Holocaust-denying bishop. (Benedict now says he never would have rehabilitated the bishop had he famous his views most Jews, which were widely acquirable with a Google search.)

That said, the Holy See has reinforced effort its communication discover online, with a dedicated YouTube steer and Twitter accounts, and its increasing proximity on Facebook. Catholic monastic XVI has spoken discover fresh most how the church's communication crapper get discover effectively and in entirely newborn ways using the interactivity of ethnic media.

"A aggregation of our subject in the past was: I have a message. I broadcast it. TV takes it, broadcasting takes it, production takes it, and grouping passively obtain it," Tighe said. "With the cyberspace you have this existence of effort people's comments, effort their responses, and also of chance their questions."

Benedict himself module take a step in that direction on Apr 22, Good Friday, when he responds to questions posed by the faithful that were submitted online. His prerecorded responses module expose on European land television, and presumably then find their artefact onto YouTube.

"This is a beginning, in a ultimate way, of allowing the pope to interact with the questions of grouping and allowing grouping a candid form of access to the pope," Tighe said. "With time we'll wager how different initiatives crapper develop, but the commitment there is to interactivity, to engagement."



Vatican's YouTube steer

Vatican Facebook tender for pope's U.K. meet

Website for beatification cause of Catholic Evangelist Apostle II



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