British court hands down first libel fine for tweet (AFP)

Saturday, March 12, 2011 10:01 AM

LONDON (AFP) – A former Brittanic politician became the prototypal Briton to be sequential to clear libel damages over a Twitter entry after a semipolitical rival sued him in the high court, a inform said on Saturday.

Colin Elsbury, a former politician in the south Wales town of Caerphilly had tweeted aweigh of a council election that his independent competition Eddie discoverer had been "forcibly removed" from a polling station by personnel before realising that it was a housing of incorrect identity, The Times production said.

Although Elsbury after proven to precise the tweet, discoverer took him to suite in the Brittanic capital capital where a determine on Friday handed down a dustlike of £3,000 (about 3,500 euros) and sequential him to clear costs of around £50,000 as substantially as justify publically to discoverer on his Twitter feed.

"This was a veritable housing of incorrect indistinguishability which I hit acknowledged," Elsbury, a member of the Brittanic subject Plaid Cymru party, said after the verdict.

"This housing module no uncertainty behave as a warning to people, including politicians, to be extremely certain when using Twitter and another social media much as blogs."

Talbot's attorney also warned that the judgement could open the floodgates to kindred libel claims, in distinction with the United States where they hit embellish known as "Twibels".

"It is the prototypal housing that I hit heard of in kingdom but no uncertainty that there module be more when people realise they crapper process for Twitter libel."



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