Android app builders: What Oracle lawsuit? (InfoWorld)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011 5:01 PM

San Francisco – Although Oracle is suing Google over the search giant's Android mobile cipher platform, developers at an Android developer circumstance this hebdomad remained undaunted in championship the platform.

Attendees at the AnDevCon conference, which attracted most 800 developers, heard weekday most the new free Android 3.0 Honeycomb platform, which makes accommodations for paper devices; they also got a brief looking of forthcoming plans to bring Honeycomb capabilities to smaller-screen devices.

[ Also at AnDevCon, a Motorola Mobility authorised recognized fragmentation concerns related to Android. | Learn how to control iPhones, Androids, BlackBerrys, and another smartphones in InfoWorld's 20-page Mobile Management Deep Dive PDF primary report. ]

Oracle's causa filed terminal summer, however, alleges that Android infringes Java patents and copyrights Oracle acquired when it bought Sun Microsystems. Oracle is hunt manifold restitution and an visit stopping Google from some further infringement.

Some attendees, however, were not very old with the lawsuit, and AnDevCon word chair Alan Zeichick, of BZ Media, said the proceedings was not impacting the event. (AnDevCon was held this hebdomad in San Mateo, Calif., most 10 transactions from Oracle headquarters in Redwood City.) "I crapper can honestly feature you were the prototypal mortal to even bring it up," Zeichieck said.

But developer Sanjeev Tirunagaram said he did bring up the supply in a word conference on Monday. Still, Tirunagaram is not prepared to abandon Android development. "[The lawsuit] won't affect the developer at the modify of the period because no concern what, they're not feat to shut [Android] down. They're feat to resolve the housing digit artefact or the other," said Tirunagaram, a enrollee at California State University, Northridge, and an intern at T-Mobile.

Other developers concurred. "I think it's meet most a big cheque in the end, and it'll resolve itself out," said Wes Richardet, project scientist with the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency.

Skeptical of Oracle's grounds for the lawsuit, developer Joshua Frank said the most of the cipher Google was using was unstoppered source. If the causa does indeed have some legitimacy, Google module resolve with Oracle, said Frank, of game stuff Tesseract Mobile. "Android's a pretty major utilization platform, and they're not meet feat to permit it go away," Frank said.

Asked most the lawsuit, Google cipher organise Romain Guy went silent. Just prior, he and co-presenter Chet Haase, of the Google Android team, had preached the benefits of Android 3.0 and its capabilities, such as the Renderscript 3D graphics and a hardware-accelerated browser.

Android 3.0's Fragments capability enables developers to physique an covering for assorted form factors with minimal amounts of cipher required per situation. Fragmentation in the Android papers itself, in which there are differentiations in the Android papers between assorted systems, was lauded by Richardet. "I think fragmentation is beatific meet because it forces a developer to actually verify plus of the differences in the devices," Richardet said.

This article, "Android app builders: What Oracle lawsuit?," was originally published at Follow the stylish developments in playing profession news and get a foreshorten of the key stories apiece period in the InfoWorld Daily newsletter. For the stylish developments in playing profession news, study on Twitter.



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