Obama turns to social media again for 2012 bid (AFP)

Monday, April 4, 2011 4:01 PM

WASHINGTON (AFP) – US President Barack Obama launched his reelection crusade with a ethnic media bombardment Monday, motion erst again to the online tools that helped displace him to the White House three years ago.

Obama, 49, declared his 2012 electioneering with a communication on Twitter, a status update on his Facebook tender and an telecommunicate blast to his jillions of supporters, every of which provided a unification to his BarackObama.com crusade website.

"Today, we're filing writing to move our 2012 campaign," the Democrat told the 7.28 meg mass of the @barackobama account on Twitter.

The Twitter message, Barack Obama tender on Facebook and telecommunicate every urged voters to "Say that you're in" and provided a unification to barackobama.com where they could wage an telecommunicate come and a zip code.

The website invites supporters to attain a gift to the campaign, volunteer and offers a newborn arrange of branded merchandise, including 2012 badges, bumper stickers, liquid bottles and T-shirts.

The newborn crusade trademark featured on the items includes the famous ikon of a ascension sun utilised in 2008, but this instance close in the "0" of 2012.

An "Are You In?" application on Facebook lets members of the ethnic meshwork indite a communication of support for Obama's electioneering and elicit friends and kinsfolk to do the same.

"I am so IN!," wrote Facebook user and Obama sponsor Debra Wilhoite.

"Of instruction I am in just like I was in 2008!" said another, Elizabeth Boergert.

Obama also released a two-minute YouTube recording that did not feature the politician himself speech but a diverse arrange of supporters explaining why he should be presented added four years in the White House in the Nov 2012 elections.

Obama relied heavily on the cyberspace during his 2008 statesmanly crusade for organizing, fundraising and communicating and Monday's move made it clear he plans on doing so again, antiquity a grassroots crusade online.

In his communication to supporters, Obama said "the persuasion we conceive in does not move with expensive TV ads or extravaganzas, but with you -- with grouping organizing block-by-block, conversation to neighbors, co-workers, and friends.

"The impact of laying the groundwork for our crusade staleness move today," Obama said, adding that he was reckoning on his supporters "forging a newborn organization that we'll build unitedly in cities and towns across the country.

"We'll move by doing something unprecedented: coordinative jillions of one-on-one conversations between supporters across every single state, reconnecting older friends, exalting newborn ones to tie the cause, and readying ourselves for incoming year's fight," Obama said.

Nancy Scola, an assort application at TechPresident.com, a blog which covers profession and politics, said Obama's reelection crusade announcement was "baked finished with the spirit of a social, collective effort."

"Are You In?" -- could be the attach line for some sort of geo-social start-ups," Scola said in a blog post.

"Clearly, Team Obama is rattling hoping to intend home the communication that the 2012 crusade is meant to be a group project," Scola said, noting complaints that "the Obama tenure has been digit separate without the sort of grassroots collaboration tacit by the '08 campaign."



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