Google and Bing gain as Yahoo! slips in search (AFP)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 4:00 PM

SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) – Google and Bing gained connector in the US cyberspace see mart in March at the expense of Ask, AOL, and Yahoo!, according to figures released weekday by industry tracker comScore.

Google continuing to be the maturity tool utilised to essay online information, direction 65.7 proportionality of "explicit" queries as compared to 65.4 proportionality the preceding month, comScore reported.

Yahoo! websites remained the ordinal most favourite locate for cyberspace searches, but its portion of queries slid 0.4 proportionality in the period to 15.7 percent, according to comScore.

The sort of online searches finished using Microsoft's Bing assist rose 0.3 proportionality to 13.9 when compared to February.

Since Bing powers cyberspace see at Yahoo! websites, the engine actually accounted for 29.6 proportionality of US queries in what was seen as constructive strength for Microsoft in the market.

Ask and AOL saw their see shares drop a ordinal of a proportionality apiece to 3.1 and 1.6 respectively, according to comScore.

More than 16.9 billion "explicit core searches" were conducted in March, with Google tending to 11.1 of them, comScore reported.

Explicit searches were described as grouping hunt online aggregation they clearly witting to interact with.



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