Twitter must give user info in WikiLeaks probe (AP)

Friday, March 11, 2011 2:01 PM

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – A federal magistrate ruled weekday that prosecutors can obligation Twitter statement aggregation of destined users in their malefactor enquiry into the revealing of classified documents on WikiLeaks.

Three of the five statement holders targeted by the polity had asked the determine to alter an early visit she issued requiring Twitter to invoke over the aggregation to prosecutors. The Twitter users argued that the polity was on a sportfishing expedition and its letter amounted to an unconstitutional ravishment of their immunity of style and association.

But in a judgement issued Friday, U.S. Magistrate Judge Theresa writer President said the government's letter was commonsensible and did nothing to restrict the Twitter users' free style rights.

"The immunity of connexion does not shield members from cooperating with legitimate polity investigations," President wrote in her 20-page opinion.

The efforts by the Twitter users marked the first jural skirmish in the Justice Department's malefactor enquiry of the WikiLeaks disclosures, but is unlikely to be the last. The Twitter users' lawyers, including the dweller Civil Liberties Union and the Electronic Frontier Foundation — had previously said they would appeal an admonishing judgement from the magistrate to a trial judge.

A federal accumulation — the Stored Communications Act — allows prosecutors to obtain destined electronic data without a see warrant or a demonstration of plausible cause. Instead, the polity staleness only exhibit that it has a commonsensible belief that the records it seeks are germane to an current malefactor investigation.

Prosecutors said the accumulation is used routinely in malefactor investigations, and that the WikiLeaks enquiry is no assorted from any another malefactor probe.

The U.S. Attorney's office for the Eastern District of Virginia, which is investigating the WikiLeaks case, declined interpret after Friday's hearing.

Buchanan united with prosecutors, and said the Twitter users had no think to wait that the aggregation wanted by prosecutors would be kept private. The visit does not essay the noesis of the tweets themselves, which are already publically disseminated. Instead, it seeks destined "non-content" information, same asking records and IP addresses related with the accounts.

"The Twitter Order does not essay to curb or candid the noesis of petitioners' style or association," President wrote.

Lawyers for the Twitter users had argued that people would be inferior probable to speak freely if they knew that doing so could termination in their existence subjected to a polity investigation.

Twitter did not immediately move weekday to questions most whether it now intends to invoke over the aggregation wanted by prosecutors.

The example visit issued by President in Dec 2010 at prosecutors' letter wanted statement aggregation from Wikileaks founder statesman Assange and Pfc. politico Manning, who is existence held at Quantico serviceman Corps Base amid allegations that he leaked classified documents most the Iraq and Afghanistan wars to WikiLeaks.

Three another accounts happiness to dweller Jacob Appelbaum, Dutch citizen Rop Gonggrijp and Birgitta Jonsdottir, a member of Iceland's parliament, were also targeted. Those threesome challenged the court order. Assange has contended that, as an Australian citizen, he is not person to dweller law.

Buchanan also unloved a letter that would have required the polity to disclose whether it wanted kindred records from another ethnic networking sites same Facebook.



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