My Favorite Mistake (The Daily Beast)

Sunday, March 6, 2011 8:01 PM

NEW YORK – My Favorite MistakeThe flick mogul prefabricated a pair of persistent flubs, including purchase a ethnic meshwork but ignoring the profession and absent discover on a huge franchise. He shares his mistakes in this week’s Newsweek.

There are digit things that come rattling easily to me: rooting for New royalty sports teams and making mistakes. One of my all-time classics happened when I took a plane to England and ran into Kate Moss and Linda Evangelista on the flight. They were both dating friends of mine and couldn’t hit been happier to wager me. They wanted to initiate me, as I was a two-pack-a-day smoker, into their habit of respiration in the room on the plane. So, whenever digit of them was there, I got away with it. But the digit instance I proven it myself, I got caught. I said to the attendant, “When I smoked with Kate Moss, you never busted me,” and he replied with the magic words: “You are no Kate Moss.” Could there be a truer statement? They nearly arrested me, and I had to go to suite and pay a diminutive phenomenon for my activities.

In business, digit of my all-time doozies was when I prototypal started the Weinstein Co. I bought controlling welfare in an Internet consort titled A Small World. The consort functioned meet same Facebook, except it was exclusive—you could only clew up if your friends were already in. It originated meet weeks before Facebook got big. I intellection this intent was artefact aweigh of its instance and we could delude playing and eventually memberships. The prototypal abstract we did was concentrate on commerce ads. Meanwhile, every the another sites amassed on services to attain theirs better. I unnoticed the profession and went after the bottom line. When I attain a movie, I never conceive bottom line. I meet conceive of how beatific the flick crapper be and sometimes I go over budget because I hit a vision. But here, I understandably was in artefact over my head. The enthusiastic abstract that guys same Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and the Google guys hit in common is they impact their profession same it’s art, and I presume in the hands of virtuosos same them, it is. The another ethnic sites kicked my butt. I sold the consort for a expiration to a techie who directly reinforced services and has overturned the consort around. So as my dad utilised to say, "horses for courses," and when it came to streaming this company, I was no thoroughbred.

My selection nonachievement happened digit eld ago, when I had the possibleness to acquire The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.

But my selection nonachievement happened digit eld ago, when I had the possibleness to acquire The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Two friends in author told me there was a aggregation they loved. I read the aggregation and intellection it was great. Then I heard they were making a flick discover of it. I got the grouping to exhibit us the flick to wager whether we’d poverty to distribute it in the United States, and everything about it in my gut said, “Do this—there’s a concern here.” But my team said, "No, we should pore on large movies," and I permit the NGO overwhelm me. I didn’t listen to my rattling momentous gut, and when I feature significant, I stingy size, geographically. And that was a bounteous bloody mistake—an economic mistake, a consort mistake. If you’re feat to be in the playing we are, it has to be because you poverty to champion movies that are different. This year, we got The King’s Speech, Blue Valentine, Company Men, and conception of The Fighter. Small movies are intensive, but they’re so worth it. It’s what we hit to do to be who we are.

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Harvey Weinstein is the co-chairman of The Weinstein Company, which includes Dimension Films, the music label that began Miramax. Since launching in 2005, The Weinstein Company has released numerous films, including the Oscar-nominated Inglourious Basterds and The Reader. Weinstein founded Miramax Films in 1979 with his brother Bob and the digit helped the consort promulgation some of its most critically acclaimed and commercially successful films. Under the Weinsteins’ tenure, Miramax received 60 Academy Awards.

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