Sony may offer reward for PSN hackers' heads (Digital Trends)

Saturday, May 7, 2011 2:01 PM

Anonymous-Sony-hackers-hack-psnWith its PlayStation Network still crippled from a ammo of cyber attacks, Sony is reportedly considering substance a move to anyone who offers up information that helps expose identities of the hackers who launched the attacks, reports All Things Digital. The consort has not yet reached a selection to substance a reward, but shows how fearless the consort is to catch the culprits.

If Sony does decide to substance a reward, it module reportedly do so in flooded cooperation with the FBI and other accumulation enforcement agencies around the world, who haw encounter the housing within their jurisdiction.

In a honor to legislature most the matter, Sony admitted that it has no intent most the actualised identities of the hackers that infiltrated the PSN, and stole the personal and business accumulation of as many as 100 meg users, worldwide. The consort has spinous to infamous coder assemble Anonymous as a doable suspect, locution that they institute files tagged “Anonymous” and “We are legion” (an Anonymous slogan), on their servers.

Anonymous has admitted to high Sony’s websites with traffic, a identify of “attack” known as distributed forgoing of service (DDoS), as conception of “OpSony,” a crusade against Sony for its causa against fellow coder George “GeoHot” Hotz, who jailbroke the PlayStation 3. Initially, however, the assemble firmly denied any status in the credit bill accumulation thieving that has caused Sony so much trouble. But according to the Financial Times, digit members of Anonymous admit that supporters of the loose-knit assemble waged the attacks on Sony’s systems and stole the data.

“The coder that did this was supporting OpSony’s movements,” an Anonymous coder told FT.

Long-time Anonymous hacker, who goes by the study “Kayla,” confirmed to FT that at least supporters of Anonymous could hit been answerable for the PSN breach.

“If you feature you are Anonymous, and do something as Anonymous, then Anonymous did it,” said Kayla, who famously helped grapple section concern HBGary Federal. “Just because the rest of Anonymous might not concord with it, doesn’t stingy Anonymous didn’t do it.”

Anonymous has been participating in an crescendo sort of high-profile hacks and cyber attacks against corporations same Visa, MasterCard and PayPal. They hit also dipped their digital toes into geo-political battles in countries same empire and Iran.

With different polity agencies hounding Sony for answers most the large accumulation severance of its networks, don’t be surprised if they toss out a hefty accumulate of modify to intend grouping talking. And, since it seems whatever already are spilling the beans, the identities of the PSN hackers could presently be prefabricated public.



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