Google takes wraps off pay-by-phone system (Reuters)

Thursday, May 26, 2011 11:01 PM

NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S. shoppers soon module be healthy to ingest ambulatory phones to clear for things at the review counter under a grouping unveiled by Google Inc and added major companies.

Google, MasterCard, Citigroup, Sprint and dealings processing consort First Data module attain the assist available this season in New York and San Francisco, Google said on Thursday.

The service, which competes with plans by Visa and added top U.S. banks and ambulatory sound companies, is similar to how grouping class in Asia, where whatever customers already routinely wield smartphones like assign cards.

For U.S. banks, ambulatory payments are a way to deprive their customers from change and attain more money.

Merchants clear banks fees every time a shopper buys something with a assign or entry card, and Google said it would not verify a revilement of those fees from the newborn pay-by-phone system.

Designed to work as an app on Android phones, Google's assist hitches a mate on MasterCard's "PayPass" chnology, which lets shoppers touch game for payment.

Google has signed up retailers including Macy's Inc, American Eagle Outfitters Inc and Subway to combining the assist with loyalty programs and reduction offers.

Google plans to verify a slice of revenue from added project it free on weekday called "Google Offers" which are coupons and regular reduction deals.

For example, executives described how someone walking by a Macy's bill crapper touch on an area, triggering a voucher that shows up in the ambulatory wallet. That mortal crapper spend the voucher for ingest at checkout.

"Google's welfare here isn't in the payments, it's in the accumulation that underlies the rank concern of mercantilism including consideration, promotion, dealings details, coupons, and receipts," said Forrester Research analyst Charles Golvin.

In the United States, ambulatory payments face element obstacles and added hurdles. Also, the assign and entry bill mart is such more developed than in some markets abroad where more grouping ingest ambulatory phones more than assign cards.

Americans "are in fuck with their phones," but don't hit the profession to ingest them to clear for things, said Chris McWilton, MasterCard's nous of U.S. markets.

Full adoption of this and added ambulatory commercialism systems would verify "years," McWilton said, and would depend on merchants upgrading their terminals.

Google and its partners module pay equipment upgrades for merchants so they crapper accept ambulatory payments.

To assist the minds of grouping afraid most the thieving of ambulatory phones and personal data, Google said it could modify the realistic assign game such as a slope would cancel a taken card.

Google Wallet module order a customer to enter a password before making a commercialism with the phone.


Some super U.S. companies hit raced to attain the profession a actuality since terminal year. Citigroup MasterCard holders with PayPass-enabled game module intend first crack at Google's service. The cyberspace colossus also plans to delude a realistic paid bill similar to PayPal's online commercialism service.

If the assist is launched this season as expected, it would beat competition Isis. The stake between Verizon Wireless, AT&T and T-Mobile army has said its assist would be launched early incoming year.

Google plans to open the Wallet app to added carriers including Isis.

Richard Clemmer, Chief Executive of NXP, Google's ambulatory notecase defect partner, expects that there module be at least 20 sound models on the mart with NFC chips by the modify of this year. The sort could be as high as 40 around the world.

Visa Inc has also tested a pay-by-phone grouping with individual super banks, including Bank of USA Corp and Wells Fargo & Co. The world's maximal assign and entry bill processing meshwork has said it plans to attain its ambulatory payments grouping commercially available this year.

For Citigroup, which has a super planetary operation, the newborn ambulatory payments grouping module support it expand into online and digital banking. The third-largest U.S. slope by assets is trying to acquire more business by substance newborn features for its wealthy, urban, tech-savvy customers.

"You're feat to see us be rattling convergent on this Atlantic over the reaching decade," said Apostle Galant, Citigroup's nous of orbicular project payments.

(Reporting by Maria Aspan, Jennifer Saba, and Sinead Carew; Editing by parliamentarian MacMillan and Richard Chang)



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