Lockheed attack highlights rise in cyber espionage (AP)

Sunday, May 29, 2011 5:01 PM

NEW YORK – This cyber move didn't go after grouping land war games on their PlayStations. It targeted a consort that helps the U.S. expeditionary do the actual thing.

Lockheed histrion says it was the time direct of a "significant and tenacious" hack, though the accumulation contractor and the Department of Homeland Security implore the move was thwarted before whatever grave accumulation was stolen. The effort highlighted the fact that whatever hackers, including many employed for external governments, ordered their sights on aggregation farther more devastating than assign card numbers.

Information section experts say a rash of cyber attacks this year — including a massive section severance at Sony Corp. terminal period that strained millions of PlayStation users — has emboldened hackers and made them more selection to pursue huffy information.

"2011 has really lit up the boards in cost of accumulation breaches," said Josh Shaul, chief profession tar at Application Security, a New York-based consort that is digit of the maximal database section code makers. "The itemize of targets meet grows and grows."

Lockheed histrion Corp. said in a statement Saturday that it perceived the May 21 move "almost immediately" and took countermeasures.

"Our systems rest secure; no customer, information or employee personal accumulation has been compromised," the Bethesda, Md.-based consort said. Neither Lockheed histrion nor federal agencies would expose specifics of the attack, or its origins. Company spokeswoman Jennifer Whitlow declined to interpret further on the housing Sunday.

This isn't the prototypal instance Lockheed histrion has been targeted. Nearly four eld ago, officials revealed that hackers had breached Lockheed's Joint Strike Fighter program. Officials said no categorised aggregation about the expeditionary information was compromised, but heightened protections were added.

Analysts said the latest move would likely goad competition accumulation contractors same biochemist Grumman Corp., Raytheon Co., General Dynamics Corp. and Boeing Co. to take additional steps to measure their systems.

"I guarantee you every major accumulation contractor is on double signal this weekend, watching what's feat on and making sure they're not the next to start victim," Shaul said.

Boeing declined to interpret on the company's meshwork section measures. biochemist Grumman spokesman Randy Belote said in an e-mailed statement that "we do not interpret on whether or not biochemist Grumman is or has been a direct for cyber intrusions," adding that the consort "continuously monitors and proactively strengthens the section of our networks."

Over the time individual years, the U.S. polity has become more battleful in its efforts to face cybercrime, developing strategies to beef up polity machine systems, modify cooperation with another countries and meliorate coordination with the clannish sector. President Barack Obama declared cybersecurity a top priority shortly after attractive duty in 2009, setting off individual government-wide reviews to develop strategies to meliorate bonded government, business and public online activity.

The bureaucratism terminal May ordered up a newborn Cyber Command, based alongside the National Security Agency at Fort Meade, Md., in acceptance of the expanding danger against the Defense Department and the requirement to meliorate number the nation's opprobrious and defensive cyber operations. The Department of Homeland Security is also slowly employing an automated grouping — famous as physicist 2 and physicist 3 — to protect polity agencies' machine systems.

Still, the attacks hit continued. William J. Lynn III, the support accumulation secretary, said in January that more than 100 external info agencies hit proven to severance U.S. accumulation machine networks, mostly to move expeditionary plans and weapons systems designs.

China is often pointed to as a maker of cyber attacks because a large turn of malware, or vindictive software, originates from there. The polity denies it is participating but experts say the broad skill take of whatever attacks suggests the Asiatic military, a cheater in cyberwarfare research, or another agencies strength be stealing profession and change secrets to support land companies.

Meanwhile, attacks against corporations hit been ontogeny this year. In March, RSA, the section division of accumulation storage consort EMC, recognized that its machine meshwork was hacked. The implications are serious because RSA's profession underpins the section of whatever of the world's most closely incommunicative data. RSA makes diminutive section devices that supply constantly dynamical drawing that are used as alternative passwords for accessing joint networks and email.

Last month, more than 100 meg online accounts were strained by the hacking of Sony's PlayStation Network gaming assist and another online services.

Companies hit gotten meliorate at sleuthing attacks through so-called "intrusion software" that uncovers odd behavior on networks, said Alfred Huger, vice president of utilization at section concern Sourcefire. As recently as fivesome eld ago, Huger said, it was arduous for companies to even watch if they were being hacked.

Even with enhanced profession to fisticuffs cyber espionage, experts say it will continue and evolve.

Rich Mogull, shrink and CEO of Phoenix-based section investigate concern Securosis, noted that governments and accumulation agencies hit been intelligence on apiece another throughout history. Computers hit meet made it easier to do so electronically.

"This is meet what countries do," he said. "It's the unfortunate reality of how the world works."


Baldor reported from Washington.



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