Microsoft doing nicely out of HTC Android phone sales (Digital Trends)

Saturday, May 28, 2011 1:01 AM

Microsoft-LogoThere has sure been whatever freakish news around meet lately. On weekday we were presented with the gruesome ikon of Mark Zuckerberg in blood-spattered overalls slaughtering a swine in visit that he could savor a ammo of gently buttered ham sandwiches, and today we’ve scholarly that Microsoft is making more money discover of Android than it is discover of Windows Phone. So what’s every that about?

Well, according to Citi shrink director Pritchard, who on weekday free a inform on Microsoft, the Seattle-based consort gets $5 for every sale of an HTC sound running Android.

The freakish status is the termination of a patent commendation reached terminal assemblage between Microsoft and HTC to protect the Taiwan-based consort from whatever misconduct suits that could be brought by Microsoft over the Android operative grouping and interface elements.

And things could be most to get modify more profitable for Steve Ballmer and his aggroup if they hit their way with another Android sound makers that it’s currently suing. Pritchard claims that with those companies, the computer giant is hoping to get between $7.50 and $12.50 per figure sold.

Asymco’s poet Dediu said in a inform on weekday that “a wrinkled judge of the number of HTC Android devices shipped is 30 million. If HTC paid $5 per unit to Microsoft, that adds up to $150 meg Android revenues for Microsoft.” As for Microsoft Windows Phone licenses, whatever 2 meg of those hit been sold. “Estimating that the authorise fee is $15/WP phone,” says Dediu, “that makes Windows Phone revenues to date $30 million.”

If you add to that the due income from the another sound makers (at $7.50to $12.50 per figure sold), the revenue for Microsoft module be astronomical, leaving the income from Windows Phone looking same diminutive change in comparison. Whichever OS sells most, Ballmer’s feat to hit a big grinning on his face (as long as he relic in charge, that is).



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