HTC-Android handsets' timing is all wrong (Digital Trends)

Friday, May 27, 2011 1:01 PM

verizon-smart-phone-reviews-300x237Turns discover iPhones aren’t the only smartphones susceptible to instance malfunctions. Phandroid reports that there hit been some complaints most HTC Android handsets’ clocks. Users are reporting timing is off anywhere from fivesome to 15 minutes.

Luckily, it’s the weekday before Memorial Day and we’re hoping some of the affected users discover there don’t hit likewise some time-sensitive appointments feat on. But if you’re digit of them and the issue is getting to you, go ahead and manually ordered it then reboot. You crapper also wait it out, as some users hit said their phones hit been sterilisation themselves.

Of instruction this is nothing like the iPhone-daylight savings instance fiascoes we’ve witnessed, but seeing as the phone has embellish a de facto watch for many, it’s ease evenhandedly annoying.



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