US tweaks China over web-erasing diplomat's name (AP)

Saturday, February 26, 2011 9:01 PM

WASHINGTON – The U.S. is tweaking China for its online interference of the dweller ambassador's name.

Searches for Ambassador Jon Huntsman's study in Asiatic on a favourite microblogging site titled Sina Weibo were met with a communication weekday that said results were unobtainable due to unspecified "laws, regulations and policies."

Huntsman, a Republican, is leaving his post and is seen as a possibleness White House contender in 2012.

State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said in a Twitter bill Saturday that "it is remarkable" that even before Huntsman leaves Beijing, "China has prefabricated him disappear from the Internet."

China ostensibly widened its cyberspace policing after online calls for protests like those that have sweptwing the Middle East.



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