Facebook "like" button now "shares" (Digital Trends)

Monday, February 28, 2011 8:01 AM

Facebook is again dynamical the artefact users deal noesis on their strikingness pages. Now, if you click the Like fix on a place or article, a place module appear on your surround displaying a thumbnail, a head blurb and an choice to comment. In other words, the Like fix module now be functional in the aforementioned artefact as Facebooks’ Share button.

Previously, hitting the Like fix on a third-party place would termination in a unification posted to a user’s surround and could rattling well go unnoticed by other users.  The more prominent, meliorate teased Like unification module probable attract more tending from Facebook friends and ultimately encourage more visits to third-party content.

Facebook has been employed on updates to the Like fix for individual months, but module reportedly move to support the Share fix â€" at least for the instance being. While the Share fix haw move to linger on sites and programme stories, it haw be phased out before likewise long. Inside Facebook has reported that Facebook has distant references to the Share fix from its developer documentation.

Facebook Spokeswoman Malorie Lucich told Mashable that the Like fix is the “recommended solution agitated forward,” but called the newborn changes a “test” to judge reaction from users and developers. Unlike whatever of Facebook’s preceding experiments, we don’t wager foresee this digit causing some field revolts.



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