Obama: US needs better math, science education (AP)

Saturday, February 19, 2011 6:01 PM

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama says rising math and power activity is essential to helping the U.S. contend globally, and he wants the private facet to intend participating in making it happen.

Obama recorded his weekly radio and Internet come during a visit this past week to Intel Corp. right of Portland, Ore. He praised the consort for making a 10-year, $200 meg commitment to encourage math and power activity — and held it up as an example of how corporate USA crapper attain money at the aforementioned instance it builds the country.

"Companies like Intel are proving that we crapper contend — that instead of just being a commonwealth that buys what's prefabricated overseas, we crapper attain things in USA and delude them around the globe," Obama said. "Winning this rivalry depends on the superiority and creativity of our private sector. . But it's also feat to depend on what we do as a commonwealth to attain USA the best place on connector to do business."

Obama's West Coast swing, which also included a dinner with bounteous obloquy in California's Silicon Valley, was conception of his push to encourage a budget offering that increases outlay on education, research and development and high-speed Internet, while cutting other areas. Republicans newly in curb of the House are actuation much deeper cuts and resisting newborn spending.

The party is also attractive Obama to task for avoiding momentous changes to the biggest budget busters: Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

In the Republicans' weekly radio address, Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., trumpeted the GOP's push to cut $60 billion from the underway business year budget and promised a 2012 budget offering that, unlike Obama's, offers "real entitlement reform."

"Our reforms will pore both on action these programs for underway and future generations of Americans and on getting our debt low curb and our frugalness growing," Price said. "By attractive critical steps nervy now, we crapper fit the mission of health and withdrawal section for every Americans without making changes for those in or near retirement."



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