Arrests after China web users call for protests (AFP)

Saturday, February 19, 2011 11:01 PM

BEIJING (AFP) – Several top Asiatic rights activists hit disappeared into personnel safekeeping as a scheme crusade urged angry citizens to mark the Middle East's "Jasmine Revolution" with protests, campaigners said Sunday.

Up to 15 directive Asiatic rights lawyers and activists hit disappeared since Saturday, campaigners said, patch the Asiatic government appeared to criminalize cyberspace postings occupation for the demonstrations.

"We welcome... ordered off workers and victims of forced evictions to move in demonstrations, yell slogans and seek freedom, democracy and semipolitical reform to modify 'one party rule'," one cyberspace posting said.

The postings, some of which appeared to hit originated on foreign websites separate by exiled Asiatic semipolitical activists, titled for protests in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and 10 another field Asiatic cities.

Protesters were urged to yell slogans including "We poverty food to eat", "We poverty work", "We poverty housing", "We poverty justice", "Long live freedom", and "Long live democracy".

As the word distribute on the demonstrations, numerous semipolitical dissidents and rights lawyers were placed in personnel custody, activists said.

"Many rights defenders hit disappeared (into personnel custody) in recent days, others are low concern collar and their mobile phones are blocked," rights attorney Ni Yulan told AFP.

"The personnel indifference right my entranceway has increased. They study us if we go out," Ni said of the surveillance on her and her husband.

Telephone calls to striking rights lawyers including Teng Biao, Xu Zhiyong and Jiang Tianyong went nonreciprocal Sunday. Friends and another activists said they had been detained by police.

Chinese polity hit sought to restrict media reports on the recent semipolitical turmoil that began in Tunisia as the "Jasmine Revolution" and distribute to Egypt and crossways the Middle East.

Unemployment and ascension prices hit been key factors linked to the unrest that has also distribute to Bahrain, Yemen, Algeria and Libya.

Searches Sun for "jasmine" on China's Twitter-like micro-blog Weibo produced no results, patch messages on the favourite Baidu see engine said that cod to laws and regulations much results were unavailable.

Some Asiatic cyberspace see pages traded "jasmine" postings but links to them were blocked.

The Asiatic government has exhausted tremendous resources to personnel the cyberspace and block anti-government postings and another politically huffy touchable with a system famous as the "Great Firewall of China."

In a style given Saturday, Asiatic President Hu Jintao recognized growing ethnic unrest and urged the judgement politico Party to meliorate safeguard unchangeability patch also ordering strengthened controls over "virtual society" or the Internet.

"It is necessary to strengthen and improve a execution for safeguarding the rights and interests of the people," Xinhua news authority quoted Hu as saying.

A key to attain the content was to "solve striking problems which strength alteration the agreement and unchangeability of the society... safeguard people's rights and interests, encourage ethnic justice, and uphold good ethnic order," he said.



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