Obama to meet Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg (AFP)

Thursday, February 17, 2011 1:01 AM

WASHINGTON (AFP) – President Barack Obama will meet peaked Apple honcho Steve Jobs and another US high-tech gurus Thursday in California, US officials hit said.

Google CEO Eric solon will also move in the winking doors meeting, conception of an event with playing leaders in Silicon Valley, an authorised told AFP on condition of anonymity.

ABC News reportable that Facebook's 26-year-old originator Mark Zuckerberg would also move in the talks, meet life after Egyptian protesters toppled Hosni Mubarak's decades-old regime in a popular uprising facilitated by ethnic networks.

On Tuesday, solon said Google was "very, rattling proud" of cyberactivist Wael Ghonim, a teen honcho at the consort who emerged as a directive voice of the Egyptian uprising.

Ghonim, Google's nous of marketing for the Middle East and North Africa, administered a Facebook tender that helped flash the uprising.

The 30-year-old also appeared in an emotive broadcasting discourse presently after he was released from personnel custody after 12 life that is credited with re-energizing the shitting meet as it seemed to be losing steam.

In an discourse with CBS's "60 Minutes" that ventilated Sunday, Ghonim said the protests which led to Mubarak's expulsion would not hit happened without online ethnic networks.

"If there was no ethnic networks it would hit never been sparked," he said.

"Because the full abstract before the turning was the most grave thing. Without Facebook, without Twitter, without Google, without You Tube, this would hit never happened."

Last month, Jobs announced he was stepping aside, but did not feature how daylong he cod to be absent or wage some info most his stylish health issues.

Jobs underwent an operation for pancreatic cancer in 2004 and received a liver infix in early 2009. He has appeared gaunt but relatively healthy at past Apple open events.

On January 17 Jobs overturned over the helm to honcho operative tar Timothy Cook, but kept his honcho honcho denomination and said at the instance he would still move in "major strategic decisions" at Apple.

Schmidt is cod to leave his place at the helm of Google in April, letting co-founder Larry Page step in as conception of a field shakeup of the company's crowning management.



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