Sony defends speed of notification of data breach (Reuters)

Saturday, May 7, 2011 3:01 AM

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Sony Corp has defended its response to a massive Internet section severance in a honor to America Senator Richard Blumenthal, who has accused the consort of dragging its feet in notifying consumers.

Kazuo Hirai, chair and assemble honcho executive of Sony machine entertainment, wrote that Sony had worked as apace as possible to inform consumers most the accumulation theft. A double of the letter, dated May 5, was obtained by Reuters on Friday.

Blumenthal, a former land attorney general, has said that Sony acted too slowly in sending discover 500,000 emails per hour to consumers after the severance that unclothed individualized accumulation of more than 100 meg of its online video game users.

Sony has said it could not conception discover that some 12.3 meg credit card numbers had been obtained during the hacking.

The company, low fire since the breach, noticed unlicensed land on its network on Apr 19, and reported it to the U.S. agent Bureau of Investigation on Apr 22.

Hirai wrote that it took longer to beam notices because "these emails are not 'batch' emails. The emails are severally plain to our consumers' accounts."

He said the consort had complied with different land laws by getting articulate discover to consumers in blog posts on its PlayStation website.

The asking was blogged by Sony on Apr 26.

Hirai wrote that Sony had found itself "in the cross-hairs of controversy" and that cyber crime had become a widespread difficulty in society. "What happened to us, though more vast in scope, has happened to some others before," he said.

Blumenthal said in a statement on weekday that Sony had condemned a "strong prototypal step."

On Thursday, Sony's Chief Executive histrion Stringer broke his quiet most the hacking by apologizing in a honor to consumers posted on PlayStation's website.

(Reporting by Liana B. Baker; redaction by Keiron Henderson)

(This article has been modified to correct the surname of Sony executive to Hirai as substantially as Hirai's employ denomination to chair and assemble honcho executive of Sony machine entertainment)



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