Sony boss: cannot guarantee security after hacking (AFP)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011 10:01 PM

TOKYO (AFP) – Sony chief Howard Stringer has warned he crapper no individual indorse the section of the electronics giant's recreation meshwork in the "bad newborn world" of cybercrime after digit of the large cyberspace accumulation breaches.

The Asian international has begun restoring its hacked PlayStation Network and Sony Online Entertainment services after the thieving of individualized accumulation from more than 100 million accounts in a cyber move estimated to effect outlay the concern $1 billion.

The consort has bolstered section but Stringer, speech for the prototypal time on the crisis Tuesday, said protecting clannish aggregation was a "never-ending process" and he did not know if anyone could be "100 percent secure".

Sony closed downbound the PlayStation Network and Qriocity penalization streaming service on Apr 20 after its accumulation centre in San Diego was hacked -- but it did not expose the severance until Apr 26.

The consort has said it cannot conception discover that jillions of credit card numbers haw effect been compromised.

Stringer, 69, warned hackers haw digit period direct the orbicular business system, the noesis installation or air-traffic curb systems.

"It's the beginning, unfortunately, or the appearance of things to come," he told Dow Jones Newswires. "It's not a colorful newborn concern -- it's a bad newborn world."

The severance is a Brobdingnagian expiration for Sony as it focuses on pushing noesis such as games and penalization through element platforms including mettlesome consoles, smartphones and paper computers amid competition from Apple's iTunes and App Store.

Sony was lashed by taste critique over the crisis which overshadowed the earnings bounce-back prefabricated by the concern after digit years of losses.

Stringer effect backwards at politicians and cyberspace concealment advocates who said Sony should effect alerted subscribers to the threat of a doable accumulation thieving sooner.

He said Sony did not know conclusively until Apr 25 that individualized aggregation had been accessed and additional that said talking publically most the company's suspicions before gathering grounds would effect been "irresponsible".

"We were disagreeable to encounter discover in a very vaporific status what had happened and when we did we relayed it," said Stringer. "If your concern has been burglarised, you encounter discover if you've lost something before you call the police," he said.

Stringer said the agent Bureau of Investigation enquiry into the concern was ease current but declined to provide an update on the findings.

The CEO said it was likewise early to set the business effect of the outage, with the consort news its full-year results on May 26, but analysts judge the severance will outlay the consort as much as $1 billion.



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