More trouble for Sony, data of additional 24.6m users at risk (Digital Trends)

Monday, May 2, 2011 10:01 PM

First came the reports of the accumulation thieving of up to 77 meg accounts held by the Sony PlayStation Network. And now, New on Monday, another 24.6 meg accounts crapper be additional to that figure. Executives at Sony must be desperately hoping they’ve today overturned the corner and module not be confronted with more intense news in the reaching life and weeks. With much a colossal sort of accounts having already been hacked, we’re wondering if there are actually any more Sony accounts mitt for hackers to intend stop of.

The stylish accumulation thieving is connected not with the PlayStation Network grapple which occurred last month, but with accounts qualified with Sony Online Entertainment (SOE), supported in San Diego.

An glimmer that something was afoot came New Sunday night when the Asian electronics colossus suspended its SOE online recreation service, locution that it had “discovered an supply that warrants sufficiency concern for us to take the assist downbound effective immediately.” Ominous words, indeed.

Later, in a advise release issued in Tokyo on May 3 local time, the corporation said that “hackers haw hit taken SOE client aggregation on April 16th and 17th, 2011.” The evidence continues: “…personal aggregation from roughly 24.6 meg SOE accounts haw hit been stolen, as substantially as destined aggregation from an noncurrent database from 2007. The aggregation from the noncurrent database that haw hit been taken includes roughly 12,700 non-U.S. assign or entry bill drawing and expiration dates (but not assign bill section codes), and most 10,700 direct entry records of destined customers in Austria, Germany, Holland and Spain.”

According to the advise release, aggregation contained in the 24.6 meg accounts includes: “name, address, email address, birthdate, gender, sound number, login study and hashed password.” Information contained in the direct entry records includes: “bank statement number, client name, statement study and client address.”

The advise release also says that SOE module be granting customers “30 life of additional instance on their subscriptions, in constituent to compensating them digit day for each day the system is down. It is also in the impact of outlining a “make good” organisation for its PlayStation®3 MMOs (DC Universe Online and Free Realms).” Further aggregation most this module be issued whatever instance this week, but we wonder if this, as substantially as the fresh rolled discover “Welcome Back” program, module be sufficiency to retain Sony gamers who are no uncertainty feeling rather roughed up by recent events.

SOE additional that it module be sending emails to consumers whose accumulation haw hit been taken but also reiterated that much emails from Sony would never ask for assign bill details, ethnic section drawing or other personally identifiable information.



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