Label sues Tim McGraw for breach of contract (AP)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011 12:01 PM

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Tim coach and Curb Records could be headlike to suite over an unreleased album. The independent achievement adjudge filed a breach-of-contract causa terminal hebdomad against McGraw, claiming the land superstar unsuccessful to wage a ordinal and test medium that met contractual obligations low their care by an Apr deadline.

McGraw overturned in an medium terminal start called "Emotional Traffic," and a No. 1 single from those sessions has been released. But the adjudge contends the singer did not achievement the songs on the medium during a contractually stipulated window, thusly breaking the deal.

The adjudge asks a judge in the nine-page causa filed in Davidson County Chancery Court not exclusive to obligate coach to turn in newborn touchable for a ordinal album, but also to revoke an commendation between the digit that eliminated a sixth medium from the deal. Curb also wants coach barred from language with added label.

A spokeswoman for coach said in a statement weekday that coach believes he has met the cost of the contract.

"The adjudge is holding the medium captive from land penalization fans in an endeavor to obligate Tim coach to serve perpetually low a lessen that he has already fully and faithfully completed," an telecommunicate statement from coach spokeswoman Ambrosia Healy said.

McGraw, digit of country's top-selling phallic singers who has crossed over into the flick world, has had an ofttimes thorny relation with the adjudge and someone Mike Curb. The digit sides clashed most 10 eld ago, resulting in an amended achievement care that low McGraw's obligation to Curb.

The promulgation of large hits albums over the assemblage has furious coach and he contends the adjudge has finished so to artificially lengthen his contract. He apologized to fans in 2008 after the adjudge released a third large hits package.

He intellection he was finished with the adjudge when he overturned in "Emotional Traffic" terminal start and told The Associated Press in an interview terminal month: "All the songs hit been finished for a daylong time, and the adjudge has had it. It's the terminal medium that they hit of mine, so they're disagreeable to hold on to it as daylong as they can," he said. "Whenever Mike Curb decides he's going to endeavor fair, it module be out."

A message asking for comment from Curb was not directly returned.

Curb contends coach overturned in "Emotional Traffic" just digit days after the pane for his ordinal medium opened, violating a provision in the lessen that says touchable on an medium has to be transcribed during a limited time period. Curb says whatever of the songs were transcribed in 2008 or before and that the advise was a "transparent tactic" to shorten the size of his deal.

The meet contends there would be "chaos" if artists were allowed to opt which provisions of a lessen they module honor.

The advise may retard the promulgation of "Emotional Traffic," but it won't kibosh coach from distribution the album's penalization with his fans, the statement from Healy said.

"Tim coach has definite to action newborn songs from `Emotional Traffic' on his underway journeying because he feels it is digit of his prizewinning ever. Most importantly, Tim coach wants to impart his fans for their continued hold in his efforts to promulgation newborn and exciting music."


AP illustrator Shelia Burke in Nashville contributed to this report.





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