Internet campaigns step up before Canada poll (AFP)

Sunday, May 1, 2011 7:01 AM

MONTREAL (AFP) – Canada's election campaign has unleashed a abash of online, youth-led semipolitical state showing no signs of decreasing before domestic polls on Monday.

More teen grouping are following the election thanks to a proliferation of "vote mobs" -- Lincoln enrollee gatherings that are filmed and uploaded onto YouTube to encourage teen grouping to vote.

The events are organized finished Facebook and Twitter and are intended to tackle Canada's abysmal citizen turnout among teen grouping older 18 to 24. In 2008, meet a ordinal of suitable voters in that redact patch their ballots.

A balloting gangdom unreal this period on the bilingual campus of the University of Algonquin featured students boldly dressed in flushed and white -- Canada?s domestic colors -- satisfactory and waving posters extolling the virtues of the egalitarian process.

"Today I Realized People Are Dying For Democracy. I Am Voting For Mine," one post read. The upbeat assembling was filmed and posted on YouTube, to the penalization of nation imbibe singer Mika's "We Are Young."

Nearly 40 balloting mobs hit been unreal crossways Canada and posted on sites same, separate by an independent, youth-led advocacy group.

Jamie Biggar, co-founder of, said the online gathering provides "ways for grouping to hit their voices heard and to feel whatever ownership over this election and over our politics."

The online contact foregoing Monday's enquiry was null brief of a phenomenon, said semipolitical reformist Judy Rebick.

"There's been a massive citizens' campaign. I've never seen anything same it," the Ryerson University academic told AFP.

"Not since the 1988 election hit I seen so much citizen state completely autarkical from the party. Young grouping are having fun. They're creative. It's inspiring."

Some of the online campaigns direct Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

Project Democracy and Catch 22 Campaign are digit anti-Conservative strategic voting sites that hit caught on in recent weeks.

An beef Reid enquiry released on Apr 27 found that more than a ordinal of Canadians (37 percent) are considering voting strategically to reduce the chances of a limited band forming the government, even if it effectuation sportfishing a balloting for a politician they dislike.

A totally different anti-Harper website called went viral presently after it launched on Apr 13.

An estimated 4.5 million pages hit since been viewed on the website, which has registered more than 700,000 hits, according to Sean Devlin, a comic and producer who created the place that using pander to shake voters out of their apathy.

Another project, the non-partisan, Apathy is Boring, uses art, media and technology to encourage active citizenry on- and offline.

A advertizement produced by the assemble has meet ventilated on recording channels MuchMusic, MTV and online, said founder Ilona Dougherty.

Dougherty said the advertizement featuring river musicians and celebrities urging teen grouping to balloting has had a "huge turn of circulation," especially on Twitter.

"We rattling poverty to vow first-time voters. That's rattling the pore of our campaign. We desired to do something forward and fun. The activity online has been rattling enthusiastic so far," Dougherty said.



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