Google braces to pay at least $500M in ad probe (AP)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011 11:01 PM

SAN FRANCISCO – Google Inc.'s lucrative online business grouping is covering a U.S. Justice Department enquiry that is expected to cost the Internet see cheater at small $500 million.

The disclosure prefabricated by Google on weekday in a quarterly inform to the Securities and Exchange Commission serves as the stylish reminder of the intensifying restrictive investigating covering the Internet's most powerful company.

European regulators hit opened a wide-ranging probe into whether Google unfairly manipulates its see results to souvenir its possess services and rigs its ad grouping to intend up prices. The Texas attorney general also has been hunting into complaints most whether Google's see recommendations choke competition.

The SEC documents filed weekday provided some info most the nature of the Justice Department's inquiry except that it involves how Google's automated grouping has been treating some unnamed advertisers. Google's ad network, which primarily delivers short book ads alongside see results and another Web content, is the main artefact the consort makes money. In the first three months of this year alone, Google oversubscribed $8.3 1000000000 in advertising.

Google, which is supported in Mountain View, declined further interpret New Tuesday.

Dealing with the Justice Department's ad enquiry ostensibly won't be cheap. In its SEC filing, Google said its direction definite early this period to ordered divagation $500 meg to cover a possible settlement.

That advise resulted in a calculate that down the first-quarter earnings that Google declared in mid-April. With the change, Google's gain income lapse from the previously reportable $2.3 billion, or $7.04 per share, to $1.8 billion, or $5.51 per share.

Even before the revision, Wall Street had panned Google's first-quarter results because of apace rising expenses that are outpacing the company's income growth. Google's have toll has fallen 6 proportionality since the example first-quarter earnings came out while the technology-driven Nasdaq flower finger has gained 4 proportionality during the aforementioned stretch. Google shares winking weekday at $542.66.

Investors also hit been worried whether every the restrictive investigating module make it more arduous for Google to furniture aborning competitive threats from hard-charging rivals much as Facebook. The Internet's maximal social networking place has shapely an word of more than 500 meg users that is attracting more advertisers and creating a treasure of noesis in walled-off social circles that can't be indexed by Google's see engine.

The Justice Department has previously upraised concerns most Google's mart power in suite filings. The authority objected to Google's attempt to win the digital rights to millions of out-of-print books, serving to persuade a federal determine to contain a deciding that would hit acknowledged the company's wishes. The Justice Department also demanded concessions before approbatory Google's $700 meg acquisition of airline fare tracker ITA Software terminal period in an effort to preserves rivalry in the online movement market.

News of the stylish enquiry also could patch a cloud over a developer's word that Google is retentive in San Francisco. The word is scheduled to conclude Wednesday.



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