Hotmail extends Active View to Netflix, LinkedIn, Posterous, and LivingSocial (Digital Trends)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011 8:01 PM

Interactive telecommunicate from LivingSocialEven though Hotmail has had whatever trouble retentive its ground as an e-mail client to the likes of ontogeny Gmail and ring cheater Yahoo, the Microsoft creation has fresh been laboring transfer whatever alarming newborn features. Recently, it desegrated Facebook chitchat and even offered a “throwaway” statement feature.

Now it’s stepping up its desegrated options with newborn Active Views for LinkedIn, Posterous, LivingSocial, and Netflix. Active View was introduced last year, and it’s a feature that allows users to advertisement communication attachments via a slideshow. It entireness for images as substantially as mutual links and videos. Now it’s effort playing grasp with its newborn partnerships. According to Microsoft, this isn’t exclusive to offer customers a more user-friendly choice for watch e-mail, but gives businesses a better chance of recipients mass links or opening attachments. In a blog post, the company said that “In tralatitious e-mail with just a text link, the proportionality of grouping clicking finished is less than 10 percent. With Active Views, customers are clicking on the recording control in about 25 proportionality of every e-mail messages with a video.”

Here’s a hurried perturbation courtesy of the company’s blog of how it module work with apiece of the newborn businesses, which module every today be healthy to encourage individual state without requiring users to leave their inboxes.

  • LinkedIn: With Active Views, users module today be healthy to behave on invitations and messages within their inbox.
  • Posterous: The combining enables “inline commenting direct from an e-mail, and the communication is updated when you unstoppered it to ever exhibit the stylish comments.”
  • LivingSocial: Now Hotmailers module be healthy to feeding finished different deals and their details (location, how much instance is left) in actual instance â€" every from their inbox.
  • Netflix: If you have a hotmail account, you crapper today see newborn recommendations and update your queue every without leaving the site.



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