Amazon opens app store for Android phones, tablets (AP)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011 7:01 AM

SAN FRANCISCO – Inc. is effort into the app-selling arena by opening an online accumulation to distribute software for smartphones and paper computers streaming Google Inc.'s Android operating system.

The Amazon Appstore, which was unveiled Tuesday, includes liberated and paying apps from Android software developers.

The online merchandiser decided to pore on the market for Android apps because of its rapid growth, said Aaron Rubenson, who is in calculate of the Appstore's business operations. Since 2008, a slew of Android-running phones and tablets streaming Android hit been released, and Google's own Android Market app store, which is acquirable on these devices and online, now offers more than 150,000 apps.

As Amazon sees it, this ontogeny can make it hard to conceive apps that you like. The consort believes its undergo serving shoppers encounter what they want online module translate substantially — especially since it could ingest data on what you've bought from in the time to recommend Appstore apps.

Rubenson would not say how some apps the Appstore module include initially, but said there module be a broad activity including note-taking program Evernote and the mettlesome PacMan. Prices module be combative when compared with the Android Market, he said.

The Appstore module also substance much perks as allowing users watch the place on a machine to test discover some apps before buying them and gift visitors a paying app for liberated each day. The prototypal freebie module be Angry Birds Rio, which is a newborn version of the favourite "Angry Birds" mettlesome program that ties in with the upcoming enlivened flick "Rio." It ordinarily costs $1.

Seattle-based Amazon module be investigating all apps before adding them to the Appstore to make trusty they impact as developers exposit them and that they're liberated of malicious software, Rubenson said. Available apps module conform to Amazon's generalized noesis rules, which effectuation the Appstore will, for example, eliminate apps that include pornographic content.

The Appstore is acquirable online at, and a ambulatory version is acquirable for download at the aforementioned Web address.

Besides the software acquirable finished the Appstore, Amazon sells a difference of digital noesis including songs in the MP3 info and movies and e-books for its Kindle electronic reader.



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