Google working on mobile payment technology: report (Reuters)

Sunday, March 27, 2011 9:01 PM

(Reuters) – Google is joining Citigroup and Mastercard to ordered up a ambulatory commercialism grouping that will turn Android phones into a category of electronic wallet, the Wall Street Journal said, citing grouping old with the matter.

The newborn technology, which is in its early stages, will earmark consumers to gesture their Android phones in face of a diminutive reverend at the checkout counter to attain payments, the Journal reported.

The planned commercialism grouping would earmark Google to offer retailers more accumulation most their customers and support them target advertisements and discount offers to ambulatory figure users near their stores, the sources told the WSJ.

Google is not expected to intend a revilement of the transaction fees, the essay said.

Initially, holders of Citigroup-issued entry and credit cards would be allowed to clear for purchases by activity a ambulatory commercialism application matured for digit underway help and many reaching models of Android phones, the essay said.

Google, Citigroup and Mastercard could not directly be reached for interpret by Reuters right lawful U.S. playing hours.

(Reporting by Sakthi Prasad in Bangalore; Editing by Dhara Ranasinghe)



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