Facebook access cut in Libya: reports (AFP)

Friday, February 18, 2011 2:01 PM

TRIPOLI (AFP) – Access to ethnic networking place Facebook was revilement in the African top on Friday and admittance to the cyberspace was intermittent amid deadly anti-regime protests, machine users reported.

From primeval daytime it was impossible to admittance the favourite Facebook site, and connections to other sites were either rattling andante or not possible, they said.

The land of cyberspace connections in the rest of the land was not known.

The regime of African cheater Moamer Kadhafi vowed on Friday to snuff out attempts to challenge the African leader, after an opposition "day of anger" became a bloodbath.

According to a sound compiled by foetoprotein from different topical sources, at least 41 people hit forfeited their lives since demonstrations first erupted on Tuesday.



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